Iyiniw Maskikiy (Cree) Nature�s Hidden Gifts |
Morris Brizinski
Valley View School
Beauval, SK, Canada
Rekindling Traditions
Cross-Cultural Science & Technology Units (CCSTU)
Series Editor
Glen Aikenhead
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Grades 6-11, plants
An Aboriginal perspective on Mother Earth and the value of respect for her plants is established early in the unit. Local knowledge is given validity. Scientific ideas about how plants work (from the point of view of Western science) are introduced as useful stories. Throughout the unit, the students' efforts go into producing a "published" book about the uses of plants found around Beauval. Duration: about 20 classes.
This unit is designed to enrich the knowledge about local plants for both students and community members. The approach taken is to have community members tell their story of how plants have played a part in their past and present lives. In this way we hope to continue the respect people have for Mother Earth and all the gifts she has provided and continues to provide.
In the past almost all families had an intimate understanding of the power that plants had to better their lives. Today, there are known keepers of knowledge regarding medicinal plants. However, the number of people practising herbal medicine is declining rapidly. This unit is an effort to revitalize an interest in plants for more than just lumber and paper. It attempts to touch the spiritual nature that plants played in peoples lives not so very long ago.
Students will:
appreciate that people have used plants for various purposes for a long period of time.
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: The Ultimate Taste Test
Lesson 3: Respecting Mother Nature
Lesson 4: The Circle of Life
Lesson 5: Plant Homes
Lesson 6: Going on Line
Understanding the Power of Plants
Lesson 7: "The Indian Way"Lesson 9: The Legend of Sweet Grass Lesson 10: Plant Stories from Around the CommunityJim Lafleur�s father - tamarack
Linda Lafleur�s mother - moss & leaves
Marianne Morin - birch sap
Bill Dinsdale - maple sap
Angie Mihalicz - mint
Knowing Plant Basics
Lesson 14: Plant GroupsAppendix A Circle of Life
Appendix B Example of a Student Booklet
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