Kipimâcihowininaw ôta Kitaskînahk (Cree)
Survival in Our Land
Earl Stobbe Timber Bay School Timber Bay, SK, Canada |
Rekindling Traditions
Cross-Cultural Science and Technology Units (CCSTU)
Series Editor
Glen Aikenhead
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Grades 6-10 outdoors education, structure & design, science topics by teachable moments
Emergency shelters are built by students in the out of doors using two different methods: at first, no tools; and then with tools. The activities offer many teachable moments for students to learn a wide range of content and processes in Aboriginal science and technology and in Western science and technology. The two cultural ways of knowing about the world are addressed and bridged. Duration: about 3 days out of doors, plus about 4 in-class lessons..
This unit is designed to enrich students' understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal science and technology, and to encourage students to continue their studies in school science in the future. Building emergency shelters will strengthen students' own Aboriginal cultural identities, will motivate students toward success in all school subjects, and will demonstrate to them that they can achieve at Western science without setting aside their Aboriginal values. This unit is only one of many activities (e.g. Small School Games, Regina field trip, fund raising activities) that serve to teach students a tradition of living and working together as a team (how to do things cooperatively and in a self-sufficient manner).
These activities involve parents to an increasing degree in order to contribute to parents' life-long learning at the same time as their children are learning the same habits of working with others as a team. The teacher has the opportunity to listen and learn from parents and students. By getting out of the classroom, the teacher can shed the role of expert and model the role of a learner � listening and observing to find out local norms, values, and skills, for instance.
Appendix: A Photo Tour of a Survival Camp
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