Professional Development
ESS professional development opportunities are a way for students to build up their portfolio, expand their knowledge on subjects related to teaching, and earn valuable credits towards their Co-Curricular Record. There are also funded professional development opportunities for students to attend conferences. They complement the field experience program during a student's second through fourth years.
For a full listing of professional development events, check out:
What are Professional Developments?
- Sign up for PDs in the ESS Office, Room 1009, Education Building
Online through Eventbrite ( - Each PD event that you attend will be listed on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR). More information on your CCR can be found here
- PD events range in price, but the vast majority of them cost only $5 with ESS membership or $8 without to attend. The events that cost more are priced higher to cover the cost of the amazing resources you will receive. If you have any specific questions regarding PDs, please ask a friendly member of the ESS, or email
- Register as soon as possible to secure your spot and keep an eye on your PAWS email for any updates regarding the session.
Full refunds are given in the following cases:
- The event is cancelled by a PD officer.
- The event is rescheduled and you can’t go to the new time and date.
- If notice of cancellation is given to a PD officer 48 hours before event is to take place.
- Refunds will only be provided in the same semester of the PD or event.
Funding for professional development
In memory of Mr. Cameron Tkachuk (B.Ed.'94) former Education Student Society President, who taught math and physical education for five years.
The Cameron Tkachuk Memorial Professional Development Fund is offered semi-annually to provide financial support to assist B.Ed. undergraduates to attend professional development opportunities. The scholarship value and number vary each year.
The application form is available online. Submit the form outlining the opportunity for which funding is sought and the benefit you will receive by attending along with the anticipated expenses. Please submit the completed form by email to Applications for this scholarship are due November 1st and March 1st.
Applications for this scholarship are due November 1 and March 31.