Tapwê Media Productions

ITEP is proud to showcase that our President of the student council and two of his classmates have developed Tapwê Media Productions to provide students with the opportunity to learn from Elders.

ITEP is proud to showcase that our President of the student council and two of his classmates have developed Tapwê Media Productions to provide students with the opportunity to learn from Elders. Elders know a lot about language, and what it is like to live off the land. The Elders want to give the younger generation a chance to learn about what they know, but some Elders cannot leave their homelands. So they wait for younger people to come and visit them so they can give students their knowledge about the language and land. But now, Rollin Baldhead, along with Shailin Tournier and Ryland Dupre are making changes in the classroom so students can hear what Elders have to say by getting Virtual Reality glasses incorporated in the classroom.

Rollin, Shailin, and Ryland are giving students a chance to see what it is like to have a one-on-one talk with Elders, they call them kohkom talks. Using Virtual Reality glasses, students will get to see, hear, and experience what it is like to learn from an Elder. During the kohkom talks students will get to go on a virtual nature walk in the bush. With these kohkom talks, students will get to hear about untold stories, and learn about oral traditions being passed down from one generation to the next. One of the main goals is to have students who go to reserve schools learn about different cultures from other areas. Also, to have students who go to inner city schools learn about different cultures that are not viewed in schools. With this initiative Rollin, Shailin, and Ryland are hoping that this will raise awareness about land-based learning, and bring different cultures into the classroom. The three student are also striving for an initiative like this to be shared with all Indigenous people all around the world!

For more information contact Tapwê Media Productions:

Email: tapweproductions@gmail.com
Phone: 306-981-5926
Facebook Page: @TawpêMediaProductions https://www.facebook.com/tawpemedia/

Left to right: ITEP students Ryland Dupre, Shailin Tournier, and Rollin Baldhead
By: Jacob Genaille Dustyhorn