‘This program builds leaders’

The 6th annual māmowi āsohtētān Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum on April 28 will celebrate USask’s Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP)

Oneita Ballantyne selected as Queen Elizabeth Scholar

The Indian Teacher Education Program is beyond thrilled to announce that one of our students, Oneita Ballantyne, has been selected as a Queen Elizabeth Scholar receiving one of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships for 2019.

MOU to bring Education degree to Kahkewistahaw

On July 13, the University of Saskatchewan’s (U of S) College of Education, Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) and Kahkewistahaw First Nation signed a MOU at the Kahkewistahaw powwow celebrations.

Tapwê Media Productions

ITEP is proud to showcase that our President of the student council and two of his classmates have developed Tapwê Media Productions to provide students with the opportunity to learn from Elders.

Mika Lafond

Mika Lafond, author of nipê wânîn: my way back - nipê wânîn: my way back is a poetic journey of one woman discovering her Cree heritage and how it has shaped her.