Gilbert Kipkoech

VISITING SCHOLAR (From Kenyatta University)

I am Gilbert Kipkoech, an M Ed. Student, in the Department of Educational Management Policy and Curriculum Studies. I’m working on a research thesis that is focusing on Public Vocational Training Centres’ Preparedness for Provision of Competency Based Education and Training under the supervision of Dr. Jackline Nyerere and Dr. Purity Muthima.

I‘m also a recipient of the Study in Canada Scholarship. Through a competitive process facilitated by the University of Saskatchewan (UoS), Global Affairs Canada and Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) awarded to me 6 months Scholarship, (January 5, 2023-July 5, 2023). The award is and exchange program that require me to undertake research activities that are related to my thesis at a university in Canada and include the results in my final thesis. Under the supervision of Dr.  Janet Okoko, of the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), and my home institution supervisors, I am exploring Saskatchewan’s experience with matching vocational education and training with industry needs. My study is guided by the following objectives  

  1. To explore the implementation of vocational education and training in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Saskatchewan, Canada and Kenya;
  2. To establish the nature and relationship between TVET institutions and industry for provision of placement opportunities to trainees and professional development of instructors in Saskatchewan, Canada and Kenya;  
  3. To determine how vocational education and training instructors are prepared in Saskatchewan Canada and Kenya; and    
  4. To examine the types and sources of resources that are available for implementation of vocational education and training for TVET programs in Saskatchewan, Canada and Kenya.

The exchange program is part of a partnership that exists between Kenyatta University (KU) and the University of Saskatchewan which is aimed at providing mentorship for graduate students; promoting academic and research excellence; and strengthening bilateral ties.  It is also linked to a research collaboration that faculty from the college of education at the UoS and faculty from the department of Educational Management Policy and Curriculum Studies at KU are pursuing with the aim of “strengthening the capacity of both faculty and student in practitioner oriented and technology-based research”.