John Ranton McIntosh (JRM) Awards

Early in 1987, the University of Saskatchewan received a generous bequest from the late Dr. John Ranton McIntosh to be used for furthering the work of the College of Education.  The bequest was used to establish the John Ranton McIntosh Trust Fund, which will be held in perpetuity. Awards and benefits will be appropriately publicized each year in memory of Dr. McIntosh and to further the work of the College.

The awards are intended to promote initiatives, facilitate the development of new programs of research, encourage cross-disciplinary research, facilitate success in external grant competitions, disseminate research findings, and stimulate the formation of a community of scholars within the College of Education. Given the limited nature of the funds, not all meritorious projects may be awarded funding in any given year.

NOTE: The number of awards per year is contingent on available funds.

The awarding of funds from the trust must be decided on the merits of the project. The formal peer review process ensures the greatest degree of fairness and transparency and establishes the validity and merits of the project.

Applications are subject to competitive adjudication by members of the John Ranton Committees. Adjudication committees for the awards will be composed of one Department Head, one Graduate Chair (not from the same department), and the Associate Dean (Research, Graduate Support, and International Initiatives).

There are 6 different types of John Ranton McIntosh Awards:

  • Please refer to each application for submission guidelines.
  • One original signed and completed application (preferably a pdf electronic copy) must be submitted to the Office of the Associate Dean (Research, Graduate Support, and International Initiatives – prior to the competition deadline.

JRM Grant Submission Support Program

For faculty release from teaching 1 course to prepare a grant application or to hire a professional grant writing specialist. Applicants choose from one of two streams, depending on the amount of funding required. Stream A: up to $8400. Stream B: up to $4200.

JRM Research Grants

Provides seed funding of up to $10,000 each to begin a new research project.

JRM Staff Award for College Priorities

Supports staff who are furthering the work and priorities of the college, including internationalization, EDI, ohpahotân, teaching and learning / SoTL and building partnerships. Up to $5000 per grant and up to 3 grants per year.

JRM Visiting Scholar Grants

Provides funding up to a maximum of $5000 each to host a distinguished visiting scholar or practitioner.

JRM Graduate Assistant Stipend Awards

Provides funding up to a maximum of $4000 each to hire either a Teaching Assistant or Student Writer.

JRM Publication Grant

Provides funding up to $2000 to support scholarly and creative works publishing by College of Education faculty.

Kirkpatrick Travel Award

The Kirkpatrick Travel Fund enables recipients to visit for up to one week an educational project or program related to their duties or field of interest (Attendance at a convention or conference does not meet the conditions of the award.)

The Awards Committee will consider both the innovativeness and creativity of the proposal and also the significance of the proposal to support current educational priorities in Saskatchewan. Please note that all applicants should include a letter of support from the applicant's school division, when not a member of the faculty of the College of Education.

Normally each award will consist of travel expenses via economy class air fare, plus a per diem allowance to cover costs of meals and accommodations to a maximum of $1800. Recipients of this award must complete travel within two years.

To be eligible to receive this award, applicants must be members of the STF or faculty of the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan.

The deadline for applications is November 30 of every calendar year.  Applications must be submitted through the Office of the Associate Dean (Research, Graduate Support, and International Initiatives).


Other University of Saskatchewan Research Supports

Additional information about other University of Saskatchewan internal research supports may be found through Research Services.