Peer Mentor Expectations

A little bit about our expectations:

  • You will be provided with a syllabus that contains weekly themes, called Big Ideas.
  • During the weekly training, a supplemental document is provided which contains basic lesson planning to guide you through each week.
  • You are expected to follow the lesson plans that are provided to you.

  • Commit at least 2-3 hours a week to plan (including the training period), collaborate, and train to prepare for your LC.
  • If you need more time, please make the time. Not all weeks require this amount, so it evens out in the end.

  • The training will be conducted weekly for 50 minutes but the staff is available for longer.
  • Use the training period to ask about anything that seems unclear.
  • It will give you a chance to use the provided resources, and/or identify what additional resources are needed to meet outcomes and to collaborate with your fellow peer mentors.

  • You and your co-peer mentor are a support team to one another.  If you are late, sick, or otherwise absent, you must notify your partner and the LC team in advance.
  • Peer mentorship should take priority over other extracurricular activities to ensure your team is well supported.
  • Please note that some PMs might not have co-peers, but those sections will likely have fewer students

  • Our mentors represent and support all students, including anyone who differs from your own cultural beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • We are here to support the LGBTQ2Scommunity AND members of any under-represented religious or spiritual group. 

  • We expect the same level of professionalism in the LCs as you would demonstrate in the schools regarding planning, punctuality, communication emails, energy in the room, and interpersonal problem solving.
  • Any attendance concerns in coursework or professionalism (e.g., meeting deadlines) in your school placements will be considered part of your eligibility.