What our current peer mentors have to say


Why Become a Peer Mentor?


  • It’s a great experience to become more confident speaking in front of others.
  • You learn lots and gain access to lots of great resources.
  • You meet lots of new people and make connections.


  • Meet new people
  • Connect with a community
  • Practice speaking skills


  • Teacher candidates should consider peer mentoring if the are looking to make connections and relationships in the college.
  • Peer mentoring gives you the opportunity to make your connections with 1st and 2nd year students take on a guidance/facilitative role.
  • It is also a great chance to develop foundational/vital presenting and facilitating skills to build upon your personal goals of developing your leadership skills.


  • To practice leading a group of students regularly
  • Share the do’s and don’ts of a student in their shoes
  • It is an opportunity to plan and how to cope when plans run over/under time.


  • Gives experience teaching in front of students
  • Build relationships with people in the college
  • Create a fun and engaging environment for first and second year students


  • It’s a low-risk and high-reward opportunity for you to build a foundation for your professional skills.
  • It’s a way to give back to the College and heal your inner 1st and 2nd year student.
  • I would not be leaving the College this confident and prepared for teaching if not for my experiences as a peer mentor.


  • You make so many friends and valuable connections.
  • You get access to great resources.
  • You develop a new level of confidence and can apply these new skills to your teaching placements.


  • Great way to add to your CCR
  • Great way to make friends and build relationships in the College
  • 3 terms of peer mentor now counts toward an elective – EDLC 498


  • Provides pre-exposure to being in a classroom and teaching a pre-planned lesson
  • Opportunity to meet other colleagues and make teacher friends
  • You have an opportunity to help other new students who are entering the College

Apply to become a Peer Mentor today!