Marguerite Koole
Associate Professor, Curriculum StudiesEducational Technology & Design (ETAD)
- Address
- 3118 Education
Research Area(s)
- Digital identity, post-humanist and social constructionist philosophy (European view), online and mobile learning, learning/instructional design, distance education, online privacy and security.
In 2013, Dr. Koole completed her PhD in E-Research and Technology-Enhanced Learning at Lancaster University UK. Her thesis is entitled “Identity Positioning of Doctoral Students in Networked Learning Environments”. She also holds a Masters of Education in Distance Education (MEd) through the Centre for Distance Education at Athabasca University. Her focus was on mobile learning.
Dr. Koole has a BA in Modern Languages and has studied French, Spanish, German, Blackfoot, Cree, Latin, Mandarin, ancient Mayan hieroglyphics, and linguistics. Her interests in languages led her to teaching. She has taught English as a Second Language (ESL), English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and university-level writing at the University of Lethbridge, Athabasca University, private schools in Canada, and a private school in Spain.
While teaching at the University of Lethbridge, Dr. Koole became interested in designing online educational resources. She completed a college diploma in Multimedia Production with training in web development, audio, video, animation, 3D animation, marketing, and business.
Dr. Koole has worked in online and distance education for over 15 years. Through the years, she has been involved in teaching, instructional design, multimedia programming, content management, e-portfolios, and social software. She has designed interactive, online learning activities for various learning purposes and platforms—including print, web, and mobile devices.
For more information visit Marguerite Koole's website.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gj275K8AAAAJ&hl=en
- Ph.D. in E-Research and Technology-Enhanced Learning 2013
Centre for Technology-Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University, UK - M.Ed. in Distance Education 2006
Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University, Canada - Diploma in Multimedia Production 1999 (Honors)
Lethbridge Community College, Canada - B.A. in Modern Languages, French & Spanish 1990 (Great Distinction)
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Courses taught since 2014 (University of Saskatchewan):
- ECUR 990: Seminar in Curriculum Research
- ETAD 402: Multimedia
- ETAD 802: Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology
- ETAD 803: Multimedia Design for Learning
- ETAD 804: Distance Education
- ETAD 809: Program Evaluation
- ETAD 873: Instructional Design
- ETAD 874: Advanced Instructional Design
- ETAD 898: Independed Study (various, master's seminars)
- Leadership in a Digital World
- Makerspaces
- Student Completion Rates in Online Learning
- Language Revitalization
- Learning Analytics
- ETAD 898: Independed Study (doctoral seminar)
- An introduction to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)
- ETAD 991: Porfolio
- ETAD 992: Project (seminar)
- Mobile learning
- Makerspaces
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Socio-materialism/new materialism
- Social constructionism
- Language revitalization
Service and Outreach
wîcihowin: helping each other
- Quick search for Indigenous resources by language, language family, proficiency.
- This website and database was funded through Mitacs Globalink Program and the U of S Faculty Recruitment and Retention Program.
Educational Technology Critique (ETC) Studio for pre-service and in-service teachers, College of Education:
- Makerspace Workshops - Year 4, July 2018 to June 2019
- Makerspace Workshops - Year 3 – site visits, July 2017 to June 2018
- Makerspace Workshops - Year 2, July 2016 to June 2017
- Makerspace workshops – Year 1, May 2016 to June 2016

Graduate Student Supervision
Doctoral Students
Torres Callejas, E. Cross Departmental PhD program. Focus: Educational technology (mobile learning) and English language learning (2020 to the present).
Badarneh, N. Interdepartmental PhD program. Focus: Mobile English learning of recent Arab immigrant and refugee women in Saskatchewan (2021 to the present).
Kristine Dreaver-Charles. Cross Departmental PhD program. Focus: Indigenization and instructional design. (2019 to the present). (Co-supervision with Dr. Micheal Cottrell, Ed Admin.)
Sepideh Gorjizadeh. Cross Departmental PhD program. Focus: Instructional Design (2021 to present).
Jade Ballek. Cross Departmental PhD program. Focus: Reconciliation from a Settler's Perspective (2022 to present).
Master's Theses
Derksen S, Master’s Thesis, Principal Supervisor. Working title: Manners of incorporating technology into English language proficiency curricula, completed February 2022.
Kraus D, Master’s Thesis, Principal Supervisor, Title: Simulation games and the development of entrepreneurial literacy and skills in grade 12 students, completed, May 2021.
Master's Projects Completed 2021
Alexon C, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Working title: Institutional adoption of a new learning management system: A narrative inquiry 2021.
Master's Projects Completed 2020
Beaumier A, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Augmented reality and virtual reality in French immersion science in K-12, 2020.
Plosz K, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Non-traditional chemistry laboratories in distance education in K-12, 2020.
Master's Projects Completed 2019
Clark S, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: From concept to product: An exploration into the value of ‘making’ to think, 2019.
Currie T, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: The influence of educational design technology studies on the innovations model for teaching career and technology studies in Alberta, 2019.
Matheson J, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: eSport in education: How things should be, 2018.
Olson C, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Designing formative assessment logs: Tabulating student learning, 2019.
Obach L, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Technology coaching in Park West School Division, 2019.
Master's Projects Completed 2018
DeGroot M, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Developing digital self-image: Digital identity and the core competencies, 2018.
Foster A, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Modelling writing instruction, 2018.
Hindmarsh J, Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Communicating vision through visual representation, 2018.
Laj D. Master’s Project, Principal Supervisor. Title: Scholarship of teaching and learning: An examination of a podcast unit in a high school English class, 2018.
For all supervision inquiries, please contact:
Patricia Gilles, Graduate Secretary patricia.gillies@usask.caSelected Publications
- Umaefulam V (70%), Premkumar K (20%), Koole M (10%) (2022). Perceptions on the use of mobile health as a tool for health education in an Indigenous population. Digital Health https://doi.org/10.1177/20552076221092537
- Rapanta, C., Botturi, L., Goodyear, P., Guàrdia, L., & Koole, M., Junhong Xiao (translator) (2022). 正确处理技术、教学法和新常态三者关系:后新冠疫情时代高等教育的挑战 [Balancing Technology, Pedagogy and the New Normal: Post-pandemic Challenges for Higher Education]. Postdigital Science and Education. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?doi=10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.2022.03.007
- Rapanta, C., Botturi, L., Goodyear, P., Guàrdia, L., & Koole, M. (2021). Balancing Technology, Pedagogy and the New Normal: Post-pandemic Challenges for Higher Education. Postdigital Science and Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-021-00249-1
- Gourlay, L., Rodríguez-Illera, J. L., Barberà, E., Bali, M., Gachago, D., Pallitt, N., Jones, C., Bayne, S., Hansen, S. B., Hrastinski, S., Jaldemark, J., Themelis, C., Pischetola, M., Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., Matthews, A., Gulson, K. N., Lee, K., Bligh, B., Thibaut, P., … Koole, M. ... (NLEC), N. L. E. C. (2021). Networked Learning in 2021: A Community Definition. Postdigital Science and Education, 3(2), 326–369. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-021-00222-y
- Koole, M., Clark, S., Hellsten-Bzovey, L.-A., McIntyre, L., & Hendry, B. (2021). Stalked by Our Own Devices: Cyberbullying as a Boundary Crossing Behavior. Postdigital Science and Education, 3(2), 464–490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-020-00210-8
Selected Presentations
- Traxler, J, Koole, M, & Footring, S. (2022). Decolonisation of Digital Learning Spaces: It’s Not About Knowing More but Knowing Better. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference (OT3SSA). Date: May 16-20, online.
- *Koole M, Beaumier, A. (2022). Tipping the canoe: What can be learned from a postdigital analysis of augmented and virtual reality in networked learning? The 13th International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2022) Date: May 16-18, Sundsvall, Sweden.
- *Koole M, Elian, K (2021). Evaluating students’ experiences of a weekly ‘hour of code’: Cookies or cake? mLearn 2021: 20th World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning. Date: October 6-8. Tallinn University, Estonia (moved to online format).
- Koole M, & Lewis K, (2020). Challenges and new frontiers of teaching low-resourced languages with technology: Cree realities and perspectives (panel). The 3rd Pan-Pacific Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Conference, June 29, 2020
- Koole M, & Cole E, (2019). Wearable computing: A makerspace project. The 55th Saskatchewan Principal’s Short Course, Saskatoon, July 2, 2019
In the News
- Revitalizing Indigenous languages using digital tools: What began as a simple spreadsheet evolved into a language database accessible to all. Mitacs website. February, 2020: https://www.mitacs.ca/en/impact/revitalizing-indigenous-languages-using-digital-tools
- Spaghetti and 3-D printers A small, clear acrylic cube whirs and hums on Marguerite Koole’s desk in her office on the third floor of the Education Building. On Campus News. May, 2018: https://news.usask.ca/articles/colleges/2018/spaghetti-and-3-d-printers.php
- Globalink Intern Connects with Indigenous Language Research. On Campus News. August, 2017. https://vpresearch.usask.ca/students/undergraduate/student-stories/globalink-intern-connects-with-indigenous-language-research.php