College of Education


Dr. Andrejs Kulnieks is an Assistant Professor with the University of Saskatchewan in the Department of Curriculum Studies and is teaching in the area of English Language Arts, Literacies, and Drama education. Prior to this appointment, he worked with Nipissing, York, and Brock University, and was an Adjunct Professor with the Trent University Indigenous Environmental Studies Program. He has developed courses about Literacy, Critical Pedagogies, and Democratic Approaches to Education and worked with graduate Programs in Education at York University and Nipissing University. Prior to that he was a High School teacher in Southern Ontario. His co-edited book, Contemporary Studies in Environmental and Indigenous Pedagogies: A Curricula of Stories and Place, was published with Sense Publishers. His research spans the fields of curriculum theory, language and literacy, arts-informed research, poetic inquiry, Indigenous environmental studies, and leadership in eco-justice environmental education. Working with poetic inquiry helps him merge the art of music creation, visual representation, ecological literacy, and eco-justice education.


  • Ph. D., Language, Culture and Teaching, York University, 2009
  • Graduate Diploma in Environmental/ Sustainability Education, York University, 2009
  • M. Ed., Graduate Studies, York University, 2000
  • B. Ed., Primary/Junior Level, York University, 1998
  • B. A., English, Honors Specialist, York University, 1997


  • ECUR 805 - Trends and Issues in Educational Research and Development: Reading, Writing, and Learning Stories.
  • ECUR/ETAD 991 - Scholarship in Teaching
  • ECUR 320 - Literacy Across the Curriculum
  • ECUR 379 - Introduction to English language Arts (Secondary)
  • ECUR 349 - Methods of teaching Drama in Middle and Secondary Classrooms


  • Language Arts and Literacy education
  • Poetic Inquiry
  • Indigenous / Environmental Education
  • Eco-hermeneutics

Service and Outreach

Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work Committee (voted member)

Selected Publications

  • Kulnieks, A. (2022). Developing literacies through place-based poetic inquiry: A curriculum of movement, travel, and writing. In Ecological perspectives on curriculum and the work of C. A. Bowers. Dentith, A., Flinders D., Lupinacci, J., Thom, J. (Eds.) New York: Routledge. 
  • Kulnieks, A. (2022). Remembering intergenerational knowledge though practices of eco-literacy: A curriculum of poetic inquiry to inspire mental health. In Lewis, K. Weber, E., Briseno, M. & Banda, K. Eds., The kaleidoscope of lived curricula: Learning through a confluence of crisis. Information Age Publishing.
  • Young, K., Kulnieks, A. (2022). Leadership in Eco-Justice Environmental Educational Practice: A Case for Climate Change Curricula Through a Deep Analysis of Poetic Inquiry. In: Equity and Social Justice in Climate Change Education: Exploring Social and Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Education. Walsh, E. (Ed.) New York: Routledge.
  • Longboat, D. Kulnieks, A. & Young, K. (2020). Oral history and orality: A new paradigm for social and eco-justice-oriented education. In Llewellyn K. R & Ng-A-Fook, N (Eds.) Oral History, Education, and Justice: Possibilities and Limitation for Redress and Reconciliation. New York: Routledge. 
  • Kulnieks, A., Young, K. (2018). Infusing Ecological Literacy in Teacher Identity:  Reflexive Curriculum Inquiry through Encounters of Place. (pp.76-85) E. Lyle (Ed.) The Negotiated Self: Employing Reflexive Inquiry to Explore Teacher Identity. Sense Publishers. 

Selected Presentations

  • Kulnieks, A. (2022) A curriculum of literacy learning: Using writing and poetic inquiry in drama education to help students learn about Truth and Reconciliation. Presented to the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) SIG at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference (Online). May 17, 2022
  • Thom, J., Dentith, A., Young, K., Kulnieks, A., Lupinacci, J. (2022) Multiple paper panel: Ecologically Intersecting curriculum studies with environmental education research: 21st Century implications, inspirations, and C. A. Bowers. San Francisco and Virtual Platform, April 21, 2022. 
  • Kulnieks, A. (2021) A curriculum of place through script-writing. 2020 Vision in 2021, Drama Australia National Conference. Brisbane, Queensland.
  • Kulnieks, A. (2019). Poetic inquiry as language leaning: developing arts-informed eco- justice education curricula through travel writing. Multiple paper panel: Arts-Informed conversations: Seventh International Symposium on Poetic Inquiry, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
  • Corkett J., Davidson, S.F., Downey, A. & Burkholder, C., Kulnieks, A. & Young, K., Lyle, E., Sinner, A., Wiebe, S. (2019). Panel: Negotiated Selves: Untangling Teacher Identity with the help of Reflexive Inquiry  Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) SIG at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.