Lynn Lemisko
Professor, Department Head, Graduate Chair, Educational Foundations- Address
- 3092 Education
Research Area(s)
- history of education, social studies/citizenship education; mentorship
Dr. Lynn Lemisko presently serves as a Professor and Graduate Chair in the Department of Educational Foundations. Lemisko’s doctoral research at the University of Calgary concentrated on the history of education and her interest in foundational studies continues to inform her investigations along with her collaborative work with scholars and practitioners interested in exploring promising practices in educating for social justice. Dr. Lemisko’s work related to these projects has been published in journals like the Canadian Journal of Education, Canadian Social Studies, Thinking Classroom/ Peremena and The International Journal of Learning and as chapters in edited books like The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education (coauthored with Clausen; T. Christou, Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of State Sponsored History After 1945 (coauthored with Clausen; B. Bevernage & N. Wouters, Eds.), Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in Higher Education (coauthored with Kalyn, Squires & Balzer; K. Enomoto, R. Warner & C.Nygaard, Eds.), and several books published by the Canadian Association for Teacher Education (coauthored in various instances with Hellsten, Svoboda, and Demchuk-Kosolfski). Lemisko is co-editor (with Horton) of Educator to Educator: Generative Concepts in Social Studies (2015) and she has published articles based on individual and collaborative investigations into the history of education as intellectual history. Dr. Lemisko’s current research includes a SSHRC funded comparative study of the history of teacher education in Canada.
Dr. Lemisko is serving as Recruitment & Outreach Officer of the Canadian Association of Foundations in Education (CAFE) and as Vice President of the Canadian History of Education Association (CHEA). In addition, she is a proud member of the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market Cooperative.
- B.Ed., University of Calgary, Faculty of Education, Secondary Social Studies, 1977.
- M.A., University of Calgary, Department of History, Irish History, 1992.
- PhD, University of Calgary, Graduate Division of Educational Research, Educational Contexts (History and Philosophy of Education), 1998.
Most Recent Undergraduate Courses
- EFDT 313: Pedagogies of Place: Context-based Teaching
- EFDT 101.3 Introduction to Education
- EFDT 411.3 Inquiry (History & Citizenship)
Most Recent Graduate Courses
- EFDT 870.3 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Foundations of Education
- ERES 884.3: Life History as Education
- ERES 800 Research Methods: Introductory
Graduate Supervision - (Most Recent)
Facci, Manuela, (June 2024). PhD, Reading Between the Lines: Exploring Indigenous Anti-Racism Via Vocabulary Choices in the Education Policies of Three Canadian Provinces, 2014- 2023. Cross-Departmental PhD, Educational Foundations.
Rochet, Brian, (June 2024). M.Ed., Bridging barriers: An explorative case study of how culture influences learning and development in international education. Educational Foundations.
Richards, Patrick, (May 2024). PhD, Teacher Voice in Saskatchewan. Co-Supervisor, Cross-Departmental PhD, Educational Foundations.
Clark, Chris, (July 2023). PhD, Exploring the Affordances of Outdoor Learning: How Teacher Leverage them to Enhance the Learning Experience. Cross-Departmental PhD, Educational Foundations.
Knight, Rea, (March 2023). M.Ed., Stories of Professional Identity Authored by Early Childhood Educators in Yukon. Educational Foundations.
Porter, Gemma, (June 2020). PhD, National History and Identity in Saskatchewan Social Studies Curriculum 1970-2008: Narratives of Diversity, Tolerance, Accommodation, and Negotiation. Cross-Departmental PhD, Educational Foundations.
Cochran, Natasha, (November 2019). PhD, Evolution: The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation’s Code of Ethics 1935-present. Cross-Departmental PhD, Educational Foundations.
- history of education as intellectual history
- history of teacher education
- mentorship & induction
- social studies/citizenship education
Selected Publications
Clausen, K.W & Lemisko, L. (2023) Preserving the status quo from above and below: a Canadian case study of teaching masters, 1909 – 1959, Paedagogica Historica, 59:1, 70-89, DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2022.2142475
Lemisko, L., Porter, G. & Clausen, K. (2021). Community and Teacher Education, Convergence or Divergence? Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Normal School, 1930 -1950. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 67(7): 397-420
Cochran, N. & Lemisko, L. (2021). Conduct Unbecoming? Teacher Professionalism, Ethical Codes, and Shifting Social Expectations. in education, 26(2), 51-74.
Lemisko, L. & Hellsten, L. (2019) Challenges & Barriers to Fostering Teacher Diversity: Implications for Teacher Education. In J. Mueller & J. Nickel, Eds., Globalization and Diversity in Education: What Does It Mean for Canadian Teacher Education? (pp. 114-134) Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Lemisko, L. & Clausen, K. (2018) Born of Cooperation? Teacher Education Curriculum in Saskatchewan. In T. Christou, Ed., The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education. (pp. 161-176). New York: Routledge.
Lemisko, L. & Clausen, K. (2018) The ‘National Dream’ to Cultural Mosaic: State Sponsored History in Canadian Education. In B. Bevernage & N. Wouters (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of State Sponsored History After 1945 (pp. 323-338) London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hellsten, L.M., Lemisko, L., Demchuk-Kosolofski, C., Dollansky, T.D. (2017) Positive Impacts of an Induction-Through-Mentoring Model of New Teacher Mentorship: Perceptions of Beginning Teachers in Saskatchewan Rural Schools. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. Walker (Eds.) The Bliss and Blisters of Early Career Teaching (pp. 307 - 334), Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.
Lemisko, LS. (2016). Turning the Inside Out: Presuppositions of Alberta Educational Leaders Promoting Progressive Reform, c. 1920-1950. Historical Studies in Education, 28(1): 73-95.
Selected Presentations
- Lemisko, L., Clausen, K., Helyar, F. & Raptis, H. (May 2023) Teachers of Teachers: A Comparative Historical Study of Canadian Normal School Instructors. 1925 to 1950.. A paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Canadian Association for Foundation in Education (CSSE/CAFE) annual conference (Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities), Toronto, ON.
- Lemisko, L., Clausen, K., Porter, G. (October 2022). Notions of Normal: Normativity in Ontario and Saskatchewan Teacher Education Programs, 1930-1950. A paper presented at the Canadian History of Education Association [CHEA] biennial conference, Victoria, B.C.
- Lemisko, L., & Clausen, K. (May 2022) Learning from the past: Herbert T. Coutts, founding President of CSSE. A paper presented at the virtual Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Canadian Association for Foundation in Education (CAFE) annual conference (Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities), online via the Forj platform.
- Clausen, K., Lemisko, L., Raptis, H. & Helyar, F. (June 2021)) Educating Educators from Above and Below: A Comparative Case Study of Canadian Teaching Masters and their Programs, 1925 - 1975. A paper and video presented at the virtual International Standing Conference for History of Education Society (ISCHE), originally to be located at Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.
- Lemisko, L., Clausen, K., Porter, G. & Bussell, D. (2021, May 30-June 3). Nuances of Normal: Transitions in Teacher Education in Ontario and Saskatchewan, 1925 - 1975. A paper presented at the virtual Canadian Society for the Study of Education (Canadian Association for Foundation in Education) annual conference (Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities), originally to be located at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Dollansky, T., Lemisko, L., Hellsten, L. & Anderson, V. (January, 2020) Beginning Teacher Voices: Advice to School-based Administrators on Building Practices to Support Flourishing. A paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Clausen, K. & Lemisko, L. (November, 2019) Creeping Like Snail: Canadian Student Resistance to Teacher Colleges, 1950-1970. A paper presented at the History of Education Society (UK) Conference, London, Great Britain.
- Lemisko, L., Clausen, K. & Porter, G. (June, 2019) To the university: Transitioning teacher education programs to faculties of education in Saskatchewan & Ontario, 1955 – 1975. A paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education [CSSE- CAFE] annual conference (Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities), Vancouver, BC.
Service and Outreach
Department Head, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, College of Education., July 2018 to June 2023.
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs & Research, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, July 2008 to June 2013
Member, Planning Priorities Committee, Standing committee of University Council, July 2018 to June 2023.
President, Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CAFE), June 2019 to June 2022.
Second Vice President & Programme Chair, Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CAFE), May 2006 to May 2008.
Member & Panelist, Pre-Conference/Special Session Organizing Committee of the Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CAFE), July 2014 – June 2015.
President, Canadian History of Education Association (CHEA), October 2012 to October 2014
Member, Board of Teacher Education and Certification (BTEC), Advisory Board to the Minister of Education, Saskatchewan, September 2008 to June 2013.
Chair, Appeal Board, University Level Appeal Under Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct. Hearing date November 23, 2018. Report issued, December 5, 2018.
Member, Appeal Board, University Level Appeal of Matters Other than Substantive Academic Judgment. Hearing date, January 2017. Report issued February 2017.
Member, University Council, July 2016 to 2019.