Paula MacDowell
Assistant Professor, Curriculum StudiesEducational Technology and Design (ETAD)
- Address
- 3120 Education
Research Areas
Immersive education, XR technologies, AI education, AI literacy, teacher education, child and youth studies, environmental and sustainability education.
Paula MacDowell, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where she is deeply involved in supervising graduate students and instructing courses in Educational Technology and Design (ETAD). Paula’s area of specialization is using extended reality (XR) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to empower people to learn, connect, and create in meaningful ways. She is recognized for her leadership in educational technology and design for pro-social and environmental change.
Paula’s professional interests include working collaboratively to mobilize research and practical knowledge of immersive learning in K to 12, higher education, work-based, and industry contexts. She sits on the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Board of Directors as the Director of Immersive Practice and serves as a Practitioner Chair for the annual iLRN international conference. Her leadership involves evaluating practitioner submissions and synthesizing contributions of iLRN members through scholarly works, including conference proceedings, edited book collections, and special issue journals. Paula is a co-editor of "Immersive Education: Designing for Learning," which focuses on designing and being a designer of immersive education.
Outside her academic and professional life, Paula enjoys long-distance running and family adventures with her two children and husband, a WestJet pilot. She is inspired every day by teachers and learners who are catalysts for making, renewing, and improving our world.
Ph.D., The University of British Columbia, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 2015
MET, The University of British Columbia, Faculty of Education, 2007
B.Ed., University of Regina, Faculty of Education, 1995
Paula delivers courses both online and within virtual reality environments, primarily for the Educational Technology and Design (ETAD) program.
- ETAD 402: Multimedia Design and Production
- ETAD 404: Designing E-Learning Environments for Education
- ETAD 873: Instructional Design
- ETAD 874: Advanced Instructional Design
- ETAD 898: Special Topics Courses
- Designing Immersive Experiences for K-12 Learning Environments
- Sustainability Teaching and Learning Through Design and Technology
- Educational Technology and Design Summer Institute
- ETAD 991: Scholarship in Teaching
- ETAD 992: Research Project
MacDowell, P. (2024–2026). Teachers and Teacher-Candidates Learning About Deep Fake Technology and Misuses of Generative AI in Education. The Jane and Ron Graham Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL), ElevatED Grant.
MacDowell, P. (2023–2024). Teaching and Creating with Generative Artificial Intelligence. College of Education, John Ranton McIntosh (JRM) Research Grant.
MacDowell, P. (2023–2024). Sustainability Education through Generative AI and Virtual Reality. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Explore Grant.
Code, J. (PI), Ralph, R., Zaparyniuk, N., & MacDowell, P. (Collaborator). (2022–2027). Agency and Learning in Immersive and Virtual Environments (ALIVE). Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant.
MacDowell, P. (2022). Immersive Technologies for Learning about Globalization and Ecological Limits. Mitacs Globalink Research Internship.
Petrina, S. (PI) & MacDowell, P. (Co-Applicant). (2021–2026). Philosophy of Media and Technology for Children and Youth. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant.
Clifford, J. (PI), Hoy, B., MacDowell, P. (Co-Applicant), & Collaborators. (2021–2024). Building London with Canadian Resources: An Immersive History for Learning the Limits of the Earth's Carrying Capacity. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Partnership Development Grant.
MacDowell, P. (2021). Project Management for Instructional Designers. University of Saskatchewan, Open Educational Resources Fund.
MacDowell, P. (2021). Youth Mobilizing Action on Sustainability Through Immersive Storytelling. Mitacs Globalink Research Internship.
MacDowell, P. (PI) & Bourke, M. (2020–2022). Youth Mobilizing Action on Sustainability Through Immersive Storytelling. College of Education, John Ranton McIntosh (JRM) Research Grant.Service and Outreach
Paula has served as Acting Department Head of Curriculum Studies (one year) and USFA Executive Committee (two years), contributing to university administrative processes with a collaborative and consultative leadership style.
Graduate Student Supervision
Gaetz, C., M.Ed. (In progress, 2024). Training of attention: How VR meditation affects youth (Supervisor).
McArthur, A., M.N. (In progress, 2024). Using immersive virtual reality to impact clinical reasoning in new graduate nurses (Co-Supervisor).
Korchinski, Katrina, M.Ed. (In progress, 2024). Preparing for the demands of tomorrow: Using AI to improve grade 12 academic writing (Supervisor).
Moser, S., M.Ed. (2023). Reading Palooza: When our children love to read, we all win. (Supervisor).
Kennedy, R., M.Ed. (2023). Place based outdoor learning: An outdoor curriculum (Supervisor).
Stabbler, S., M.Ed. (2023). Designing an integrated Indigenous and Western STEM course (Supervisor).
Hadden, S., M.Ed. (2023). Teaching computational thinking in the classroom (Supervisor).
Williams-Allen, K., M.Ed. (2023). Leaves of learning: A parent guide to motivate children to focus on reading in light of current technological distractions (Supervisor).
Sakundiak, L., M.Ed. (2023). Designing a cross-curricular grade 9 course in Moodle (Supervisor).
Marshall, C., M.Ed. (2023). Trauma informed care: A course for health-care providers (Supervisor).
Lemay-Moore, D., M.Ed. (2023). What is critical media literacy and how can I teach it in the elementary classroom (Supervisor).
Olson, B., M.Ed. (2022). Youth perceptions on learning in immersive virtual reality: Developing and assessing essential socioemotional skills (Supervisor).
Lovelace, R., M.Ed. (2022). The coach’s locker: Basketball Saskatchewan online coaching database (Supervisor).
Cote, N., M.Ed. (2022). Project-based video production and literacy education (Supervisor).
Homenuk, T., M.Ed. (2022). Newcomer-Indigenous relations: A locally developed EAL 10 course (Supervisor).
Her, S., M.Ed. (2021). How F2F teachers perceive online learning in a pandemic-stricken educational system (Supervisor).
Bacon, L., M.Ed. (2021). Resources for learning Metis history and culture (Supervisor).
Thiessen, J., M.Ed. (2021). Science teacher field notes on supporting language learners (Supervisor).
Selected Publication
Wang, Q., Kumpulainen, K., & MacDowell, P. (2024). Augmented reality and museum education:
Rethinking interactive learning experiences in museums. In A. Sinner, B. White, & T. Osler (Eds.), Art Education in Canadian Museums: Practices in Action. Intellect. https://intellectdiscover.com/content/books/9781789389166
MacDowell, P. (2023). “VR let my creativity out”: Youth creating with immersive learning technologies. International Journal of Emerging and Disruptive Innovation in Education: VISIONARIUM,1(3), 1–21. https://digitalcommons.lindenwood.edu/ijedie/vol1/iss1/3
MacDowell, P., & Korchinski, K. (2023). A collaborative future: New roles of students and teachers learning and creating with generative AI. In S. Bauschard, S., A. Rao, P. Shah, & Shryock, C. (Eds.), Chat(GPT): Navigating the impact of generative AI technologies on educational theory and practice (pp. 490–507). Pedagogy Ventures. https://a.co/d/cZbUblR
MacDowell, P. (2023). Imagine an immersive learning classroom. NEXTANT: The Newsletter of the Virtual World Society, 2(2), 19–22. https://indd.adobe.com/view/84534713-d158-4240-ab82-994cc83c3304
Lamoureux, N., Moskalyk, K., & MacDowell, P. (2023). Truth with hope: Teaching the SDGs through immersive learning. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 2(1), 36–40. https://doi.org/10.56198/ITIG22OEN
Moskalyk, K., Lamoureux, N., & MacDowell, P. (2023). Diving into SDG 14, Life Below Water: A VR experience for deeper understanding. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 2(1), 117–122. https://doi.org/10.56198/ITIG2VTS8
Lock, J., & MacDowell, P. (2022). Meaningful immersive learning in education. In P. MacDowell & J. Lock (Eds.), Immersive education: Designing for learning (pp. 1–12). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18138-2_1
MacDowell, P. (2022). Teachers designing immersive learning experiences for environmental and sustainability education. In P. MacDowell & J. Lock (Eds.), Immersive education: Designing for learning (pp. 171–186). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18138-2_11
MacDowell, P., & Lock, J. (2022). The future of immersive learning: Designing for possibilities. In P. MacDowell & J. Lock (Eds.), Immersive education: Designing for learning (pp. 273–281). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18138-2_16
Olson, B., & MacDowell, P. (2022). New efficacies for audience/performer interactivity and responsive narrative in immersive theatre. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 1(1), 83–87. https://doi.org/10.56198/A6PFYVWSC
MacDowell, P., Beaumier, A., Gaetz, C., Lambert, C., MacKay, M., Olson, B., Thompson, C., & Wang, Q. (2022). Designing AR/VR learning experiences for K-12 and higher education. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 1(1), 113–118. https://doi.org/10.56198/A6PFY55T8
MacDowell, P., & Petrina, S. (2021). Philosophy of technology for children and youth II. In D. Anderson, M. Milner-Bolotin, R. Santos, & S. Petrina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 263–269). https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0402129
MacDowell, P., & Wang, Q. (2021). Augmented reality for STEM learning: Engaging minds with technologies that invite and immerse. In D. Anderson, M. Milner-Bolotin, R. Santos, & S. Petrina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 485–489). https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0402129
Tan, P., MacDowell, P., & Wang, Q. (2021). Building relational connections in STEM education through indigenous epistemology and immersive experiences. In D. Anderson, M. Milner-Bolotin, R. Santos, & S. Petrina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 606–607). https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0402129
MacDowell, P. (2021). Design principles for teaching sustainability within makerspaces. In D. Scott and J. Lock (Eds.), Teacher as Designer (pp. 111–124). Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9789-3_10
Ralph, R., MacDowell, P., Lee, Y., & Ng, D. (2020). STEM education for girls: Perspectives of teachers during a makeathon. In P. Keough (Ed.), Overcoming Current Challenges in the P-12 Teaching Profession (pp. 73–95). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1177-0.ch004
MacDowell, P. (2019). Girls’ perspectives on (mis)representations of girlhood in hegemonic media texts. In C. Mitchell, B. Formark, A. Smith, & H. Switzer (Eds.), Transnational Girlhoods (pp. 207–222). Brooklyn, NY: Berghan Books. https://www.berghahnbooks.com/series/transnational-girlhoods
MacDowell, P., Ralph, R., & Ng. D. (2017). App making for pro-social and environmental change at an equity oriented Makeathon. Proceedings of FabLearn17: Creativity and Making in Education (1–8). The ACM Digital Library. https://doi.org/10.1145/3141798.3141806
MacDowell, P. (2017). Girls’ perspectives on (mis)representations of girlhood in hegemonic media texts. Special issue on “The Girl in the Text.” Girlhood Studies, 10(3), 201–216. https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2017.100315
Open Access Textbooks:
MacDowell, P., Moskalyk, K., Korchinski, K., & ETAD 873. (2023). AI-Enhanced Instructional Design (215 pp.). Saskatoon, SK: Pressbooks. https://openpress.usask.ca/etad873aienhancedinstructionaldesign
MacDowell, P., Moskalyk, K., Korchinski, K., & ETAD 402. (2023). Teaching & Creating with Generative Artificial Intelligence (422 pp.). Saskatoon, SK: Pressbooks. https://openpress.usask.ca/etad402teachingandcreatingwithgenai
MacDowell, P., & ETAD 874. (2021). Project Management for Instructional Designers, First Canadian Edition (333 pp.). Saskatoon, SK: Pressbooks. https://openpress.usask.ca/pm4id
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 892. (2019). Engaging Minds with Cognitive Tools and Multimedia (211 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1460636612
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 100. (2019). Educational Issues and Innovation (200 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1462121717
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 358. (2018). Innovation, Education, and Hope (192 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1449500671
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 100. (2018). Educational Issues and Controversy (227 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1369565526
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 358. (2017). Traditions, Education, Technology (170 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1327682095
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 531. (2016). Keeping Up with the Media (118 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1149612619
MacDowell, P. & EDUC 508. (2016). Creativity & Learning in a New Tonality (104 pp.). Vancouver, BC: Apple Books. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1093003369
Selected Presentations
MacDowell, P. (2024). How instructors can empower student learning with generative AI. Presentation at the Langara College Mini-Conference: "Our Students of the Future." Langara College/Online, April 24.
MacDowell, P., Moskalyk, K., & Korchinski, K. (2024). Open Pedagogy: Understanding why students are highly motivated and challenged by creating OER. Panel presentation at the Usask Open Education Week. University of Saskatchewan/Online, March 4.
MacDowell, P. (2024). Generative AI in immersive education and instructional design. Featured speaker at the VR/AR in Education Now. Online, February 22.
MacDowell, P., & Peters, A. (2023). Utilizing generative AI to support language teaching and learning. Presentation for the Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA). Online, December 7.
MacDowell, P. (2023). Meaningful integration of generative AI in lifelong learning. Keynote address at the Great Plains College Continuing Professional Development. Kindersley, SK, November 30.
MacDowell, P. (2023). Generative AI in adult education. Featured speaker at the Saskatchewan Adult Basic Education Association Conference (SABEA 2023). Saskatoon, SK, October 20.
MacDowell, P. (2023). Amplifying immersive learning with practitioner knowledge: The synergy of theory, practice, and design. Keynote address at the 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2023). San Luis Obispo, California, USA, June 26–29.
Turner, N., MacDowell, P., & Wilson, J. (2023). The new world of higher education: The pandemic, digital technology, and change. Panel presentation at the 20th annual national meeting of the College and University Retirees of Canada Annual Conference (CURAC 2023). University of Saskatchewan, May 31–June 2.
MacDowell, P. (2023). Immersive education in an AI-powered world. Featured speaker at the VR/AR Educator Forum. Online, April 26.
MacDowell, P. (2023). XR technologies for engaged, embodied, and creative learning to meet the realities of complex contemporary classrooms. Keynote address at the 8th annual Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): K–12 and Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR). Shanghai, China/Online, March 25–26.
Bonita, B., MacDowell, P., Murphy, J., & Prokopchuk, N. (2023). Increasing sustainability with students as co-creators and collaborators for open educational resources. Panel discussion at the Usask SDG Week: Open for the SDGs. University of Saskatchewan/Online, March 9.
MacDowell, P., Lee, C., Wang, Q., Gibson-Hylands, K., Thompson, M., & VanFossen, L. (2023). Designing for learning in immersive education. Panel presentation at the 2nd annual meeting of the GatherVerse Summit. Online, February 21–23.
MacDowell, P., Frazier, K., Bambury, S., & Brenner, C. (2022). Empowering teachers with XR tools. Panel presentation at the annual WebXR Education Summit. Online, July 21.
MacDowell, P. (2022). Meaningful immersive learning: Beyond the hype. Featured speaker at the VR/AR in Education Now. Online, July 14.
MacDowell, P. (2022). New roles of teachers and students in future scenarios: Engaging parents and community. Presentation at the 12th annual eMadrid workshop: Education 4.0. Madrid, Spain/Online, June 30–July 1.
MacDowell, P., Ochoa, C., Bielitz, C., Mintz, D., & Grady, A. (2022). Megatrends in VR/AR Education: 2025 Scenarios. Panel presentation at the VRARA Education Forum. Online, May 19.
MacDowell, P., & Olson, B. (2022). Environmental and sustainability education in technology-enhanced learning environments. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2022). Online, May 15–19.
Olson, B., & MacDowell, P. (2022). Designing immersive virtual reality experiences for youth: Exploring implications for sustainability learning. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2022). Online, May 15–19.
Wang, Q., Ching-Chui, L., & MacDowell, P. (2022). Immersive virtual reality as a change agent in language learning. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022) for the roundtable session, “Promoting Teaching and Learning in Game-Based and Virtual Reality Learning Spaces.” San Diego, CA, April 21–26.
Mallet, C. MacDowell. P., Nelson, J., & McKinney, T. (2022). Empowering teachers with immersive learning tools and the knowledge of how and why to use them. The Educators vs. VR: Reimagining the Classroom. Online panel presentation hosted by Bodyswaps VR, April 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9glCLu0PSw
MacDowell, P., & Olson, B. (2022). Performance, narrative, and audience: Interaction in live immersive theatre. Presentation at the annual World Education Summit. Osiris Educational/Online, March 21–24.
MacDowell, P., & Olson, B. (2022). Teaching the SDGs in VR. Presentation at the annual World Education Summit. Osiris Educational/Online, March 21–24.
MacDowell, P. (2022). Immersive higher education: Designing for learning. Presentation at the monthly meeting of Champions in Higher Education for XR (CHEX). Online, March 2.
MacDowell. P. (2021). Youth theatre in virtual reality. Presentation at the 5th annual Global VR Day. Online, November 20.
MacDowell, P., & Olson, B. (2021). Immersive learning environments for environmental and sustainability education. Presentation at the annual World Sustainability Conference. The Green Institute/Online, November 13.
MacDowell. P. (2021). Empowering teachers and students with technology. Impact session at the Saskatchewan Principal’s Short Course (SPSC 2021). University of Saskatchewan/Online, July 7.
MacDowell. P. (2021). Gather Town Orientation. Keynote address at the annual Saskatchewan Principal’s Short Course (SPSC 2021). University of Saskatchewan/Online, July 5.
MacDowell, P., & Accettura, A. (2021). Cultivating environmental sustainability within classroom makerspaces. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2021), Online, June 26–30.
MacDowell, P., & Accettura, A. (2021). Learn how to create augmented reality experiences for your classroom. Creation lab at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2021). Online, June 26–30.
MacDowell, P., & Olson, B. (2021). Pedagogical interactions within immersive learning environments. Presentation at the annual conference Canadian Higher Education Information Technology (CANHEIT 2021). Concordia University/Online, May 31–June 4.
MacDowell, P., Accettura, A., & Hlushko, T. (2021). A collaborative design approach for open textbook development. Presentation at the annual conference of the Open Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA 2021). University of Alberta/Online, May 31–June 3.
MacDowell, P., Hoy, B., Wilson, J., Ghani, A., Green, A., & Clifford, J. (2021). Thinking with history in XR. Panel presentation at the Educators in VR & Virtual World Society UniVirtual Experience. AltspaceVR/Online, May 1–30.
MacDowell, P., Accettura, A., Beecher, A., DiPaolo, G., Her, S., Lavoie, J., Olson, B., & Story, T. (2021). Instructional design principles for guiding immersive learning experiences. Panel presentation at the 7th international conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021). Virbela/Online, May 17–June 10.
MacDowell, P., Chaston, A., Foubert, R., Leidl, D., Maw, S., Ralph, R., Smith, M., & Theriault, R. (2021). What’s next for immersive technologies in higher education? A Canadian perspective. Panel presentation at the 7th international conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021). Virbela/Online, May 17–June 10.
Lavoie, J., MacDowell, P., Banow, R., & Stange, J. (2021). AltspaceVR: Designing relational land-based connections through immersive learning for middle-years and secondary education. Guided virtual adventure at the 7th international conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021). Virbela/Online, May 17–June 10.
MacDowell, P. (2021). Artful integration of VR in higher education. Featured speaker at the VR/AR Educator Forum. Online, April 29.
MacDowell, P. (2021). Artful innovation with XR in higher education. Presentation at the international conference Beyond Zoom: Promise and Reality of XR. Online/Mozilla Hubs. Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania, April 15.
MacDowell, P. (2021). Designing immersive learning experiences in higher education. Featured speaker for the Online Education Network. University of Saskatchewan/Online, February 9.
Wang, Q., & MacDowell, P. (2020). Energizing language teaching and learning with VR games and AI characters. Presentation at the annual conference of International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2020). Online, November 28–December 1.
MacDowell, P., & Wang, Q. (2020). Analysis of augmented reality pedagogy: Empowering students as content creators and curators. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2020). Online, November 28–December 1.
MacDowell, P. (2020). XR design for children and youth. Featured speaker at the VR/AR Global Summit. Online, September 30–October 2.
MacDowell, P. (2020). Educational VR for remote teaching environments. Presentation at the international conference of Beyond Zoom: XR for Teaching and Research in the Covid-19 Era. Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania, Online/Mozilla Hubs, August 7.
MacDowell, P., Vasan, A., Joly, E., & Bambury, S. (2020). Teaching and learning in virtual reality. Panel presentation at the Continuing Professional Development in VR: Live from Dubai Chat Show. ENGAGE VR/Online, July 26.
MacDowell, P., & Cassidy, S. (2020). How students achieve learning objectives by designing AR experiences. Presentation at the 6th international conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2020). Virbela/Online, June 21–25.
MacDowell, P., Cassidy, S., LaVoie, J., Tan, P., & Wang, Q. (2020). XR Storytellers: Learners making immersive stories. Panel presentation at the international conference Students in VR. AltspaceVR/Online, May 7–8.
MacDowell, P. (2020). AR Pedagogy: Inspiring students to be digital storytellers. Presentation at the Educators in VR International Summit. AltspaceVR/Online, February 18–22.
MacDowell. P. (2020). Digital tools for enhancing curriculum and building classroom community in higher education. Presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC 2020). Halifax, NS, February 19–21.
MacDowell, P. (2020). Design & Tech for littles: Creating a generation of innovators and problems solvers. Keynote address at the 34th annual conference of the Preschool Information Registry & Service Inc (PIRS 2020). Saskatoon SK, February 7–8.
MacDowell, P. (2020). Imaginative digital play in Preschool. Hands-on workshop facilitation at the 34th annual conference of the Preschool Information Registry & Service Inc (PIRS 2020). Saskatoon SK, February 7–8.
MacDowell, P. (2019). Building a better world with AR & VR: Teaching, learning, and creating our immersive future. Keynote address at the annual SFU Educational Review Symposium (SFU ED Review 2019). Burnaby, BC, October 19.
MacDowell, P. (2019). Craftivism and the art of making pro-social change with girls. Presentation at the 36th world congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA). The University of British Columbia, July 9–13.
MacDowell, P. (2019). The art of making augmented reality: A new creative canvas for educators. Presentation at the 36th world congress of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA 2019). The University of British Columbia, July 9–13.
MacDowell, P., De Guzman, R., Kasper, A., & Wong, J. (2019). Creating augmented reality experiences with students to enrich curriculum and build community. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2019). The University of British Columbia, June 1–5.
MacDowell, P., Amouzandeh, L., & Sandhu, A. (2019). Co-creating curriculum with students: An exploration in designing interactive, multi-touch course eBooks. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2019). The University of British Columbia, June 1–5.
MacDowell, P. (2019). Pedagogies for sustainability: Greening making with pre-service teachers and youth changemakers. Presentation at the 87th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability. The University of British Columbia, January 17–19.
MacDowell, P., Bullock, S., MacKinnon, A., Rosehart, P., Sator, A., & Vince, A. (2018). Exploring maker pedagogy in teacher education. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2018). Regina, SK, May 26–June 1.
MacDowell, P. (2018). Female youth producing public service announcements to deconstruct the (mis)representations of girls and girlhood in hegemonic media texts. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CSSE 2018). Regina, SK, May 26–June 1.
MacDowell, P. (2018). High school girls making apps to confront issues faced by teens. Research display and presentation at the #BCTECH Summit. Vancouver, BC, May 14–16.
MacDowell, P. (2017). Greening Making @ UBC Girls’ Makeathon. Presentation at the 9th annual World Environmental Education Conference. Vancouver, BC, September 9–15.
MacDowell, P. (2016). Girls defining new standards for technological literacy. Presentation at the 78th annual conference of the International Technology Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA 2016). Washington, DC, March 2–4.
In The News
Pugh, J. (2023, September 9). The 'perfect' teaching assistant? Universities find new uses for AI. CBC News. https://www.cbc.ca/news/ai-chatgpt-openai-universities-1.6958321
CBC Listen. (2023, June 20). Saskatoon Morning with Theresa Kliem interviewed Paula MacDowell on “Using AI and the latest technology as another tool in the classroom.” https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-88-saskatoon-morning
O’Connor, L. (2023, June 16). Sask. universities say they're adapting to AI technology rather than fighting it. Liam O’Connor interviewed Paula MacDowell for CBC News Saskatchewan. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/saskatchewan-universities-allowing-ethical-ai-1.6876724
Warick, J. (2022, December 22). Saskatchewan government rejected offer of help from online school with 90% graduation rate. Jason Warick interviewed Paula MacDowell for CBC News Saskatoon. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/sask-government-rejected-offer-of-help-from-online-school-with-90-graduation-rate-1.6694060
University Communications. (2021, August 23). USask takes on community development in the classroom. Meghan Sired interviewed Paula MacDowell on real-world projects and innovative assessment in higher education. https://education.usask.ca/news/2021/news-usask-takes-on-community-development-in-the-classroom.php
Epp, J. (2021, April 30). Students publish open textbook in collaborative assignment. Jordan Epp interviewed Paula MacDowell for the DEU Online Teaching & EdTech Ideas. https://sites.usask.ca/edtech/2021/04/30/students-publish-open-textbook-in-collaborative-assignment/
CBC Listen. (2021, April 19). Saskatoon Morning with Leisha Grebinski interviewed Paula MacDowell on “Extended Reality and the Future.” https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-88-saskatoon-morning
Hinther, M. (2021, April 9). Education professor enhances virtual campus. Meagan Hinther interviewed Paula MacDowell for On Campus News. https://news.usask.ca/articles/colleges/2021/education-professor-enhances-virtual-campus.php
Stockton, T. & Islam, S. (2021, February). Some universities turn to compassionate grading to measure student performance during the pandemic. Talar Stockton and Sami Islam interviewed Paula MacDowell for Capital Current. https://capitalcurrent.ca/some-universities-turn-to-compassionate-grading-to-measure-student-performance-during-pandemic/
Modjeski, M. (2020, November 27). More than 100 students in isolation at Saskatoon's Marion M. Graham Collegiate. Morgan Modjeski interviewed Paula MacDowell for CBC News Saskatoon. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/marion-m-graham-school-students-covid-19-isolation-1.5818443
Amouzandeh, L. (2019, July 22). Paperless education: yay or nay? Leila Amouzandeh interviewed Paula MacDowell for The Peak. https://the-peak.ca/2019/07/paperless-education-yay-or-nay-an-interview-with-dr-paula-macdowell
McCann, B. (2019, February 1). Bronwen McCann interviewed Dr. Paula MacDowell on creating augmented reality (AR) experiences with students. https://www.sfu.ca/education-research-hub/dialogue/paula-macdowell-on-creating-ar.html
Birnie, M. (2017, August 18). Girls-only Maker Camp pushes back at cultural assumptions of coding, creating, and inventing. Marissa Birnie interviewed Paula MacDowell for The Ubyssey. https://www.ubyssey.ca/science/girls-only-maker-camp