College of Education

Research Area(s)

  • Indigenous rhetorics, Indigenous languages and literacy, Indigenous literature, visual literacy, Indigenizing the curriculum, culturally revitalizing pedagogy, teacher education, community engagement, teacher collaboration, action research


Ph.D. [ABD]
Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies – Education & Native Studies
University of Saskatchewan
Indigenous Rhetoric at the Cultural Interface
Supervisor: Dr. Linda Wason-Ellam
Expected 2016

Educational Foundations, Indian and Northern Education 2001                                             
University of Saskatchewan
Thesis: Community Perceptions of a Cree Immersion Program at Cumberland House

University of Toronto, 1987
Intermediate/Senior English & Visual Art

University of Calgary, 1985
English Literature, Major; Fine Art, Minor


Assistant Professor     
Curriculum Studies, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, 2014 – present
Native Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan, 2001–05

Sessional Lecturer      
First Nations University of Canada (FNUC): 2003–05, 2006–10, 2012
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Research (GDI) : 2000–02, 2008–12
Native Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan (UofS): 1997–01, 2006–14
Aboriginal Students Achievement Program, UofS: 2012–14
George Brown College, Toronto: 2000
Educational Foundations, College of Education, UofS: 1997–98

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures: Michigan State University (MSU), 2005–06

Book Review Editor     
Native Studies Review, 2001–05                      

Mariahs’ Research 2013–14
Fireweed Productions, 2006
Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing, 2005
Northern Lights School Division, La Ronge, 1998–99

NAISA Conference Fundraising Committee 2013

Research Assistant               
“Telling Our Stories” Research Project, 2000–02

Secondary School Teacher                     
English as an Additional Language, Saskatoon Public School Division, 2009–10
English and Visual Arts, Toronto District Board of Education, 1987–2003

Department Head                      
City of York Board of Education, English, Remedial Summer School, 1995, 1996

Copy Editor
Native Women in the Arts publication “My Home as I Remember” 2000

Program Coordinator/Instructor
Aboriginal Employment Counseling and Career Planning,  
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto and George Brown College, 1993–95

Assistantships, Fellowships and Bursaries

2013                University of Saskatchewan, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Teaching Fellowship Supplement

2012                University of Saskatchewan, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Teaching Fellowship

2010, 2011      University of Saskatchewan, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Scholarship

2005                Michigan State University, Graduate Teaching Assistantship

1998, 1999      University of Saskatchewan Master’s Graduate Scholarship

1998                André Renaud Scholarship, Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan

1997, 1998      Graduate Service Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan

1997                S. Hunter Henry Memorial Fellowship, Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation

1997                Marbry Graduate Bursary, Education, University of Saskatchewa

Courses Taught

Curriculum Studies 325.3 “Relational Curriculum in the Secondary Classroom” UofS      

Curriculum Studies 320.3 “Literacy Across the Curriculum” UofS

Curriculum Studies  398.3. “Indigenous Languages and Literacies in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy” UofS

Education 314.3. “Relational Curriculum Making: Intersections of Educators, Learners, Contexts and Subject Matters (Secondary)” UofS

Education 311.3 “Applied Languages of Knowing: Secondary Level Literacy Teaching” UofS

Interdisciplinary Studies 100.3 “Strategies for Academic Success” Aboriginal Student Achievement Program, UofS

Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures 140.3 “Women in America” Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures, MSU

Native Studies 110.6 “Introduction to Native Studies” UofS

Native Studies 100.3 “Foundations in Native Studies” UofS

Native Studies 105.3 “Local Aboriginal Cultures” UofS

Native Studies 106.3 “Aboriginal Canada” UofS

Native Studies 200.6 “Metis History” Native Studies, UofS & GDI

Native Studies 211.6 (270.6) “Native Literature” UofS & GDI

Native Studies 225.3, (271.6) “Native Women in Canada” UofS

Natives Studies 298.3 “Survival of Aboriginal Family” UofS

Native Studies 298.3 “Saulteaux Cultural Expressions” UofS

Native Studies 370.6 “Images of Native North Americans” UofS

Native Studies 398.3 “Métis Politics and Poetics” UofS

Native Studies 403.3 “Theoretical Perspectives in Native Studies” UofS

Educational Foundations 335.3 “First Nations and Cross Cultural Education” UofS

Indian Studies INST 358.3 “Roles of Women in Indigenous Societies” FNUC

Indigenous Studies INST 258.3 “Gender Issues and Indigenous Societies” FNUC

Humanities 251. 3  “Saulteaux Literature in Translation” FNUC

General Humanities 1148 “Native Peoples in Canadian Society” George Brown College

Courses Developed

Curriculum Studies 398.3. Indigenous Languages and Literacies in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Curriculum Studies, UofS

Natives Studies 298.3 “Survival of Aboriginal Family” UofS

Native Studies 298.3 “Saulteaux Cultural Expressions” UofS

Native Studies 398.3 “Métis Politics and Poetics” UofS

Guest Lectures

“Reading the Land as Cultural Rhetoric” Bowling Green University, Topics in American Indian Studies, ENG 6800, April 20, 2015

“Points of Departure, Points of Connection: Teaching Louise Erdrich’s The Round House in Language Arts and Social Studies” EDUC 311.3 February 23, 2015

“The Word Bundle Apprenticeship as a Means to Investigate the Interface Between Indigneous epistemology and Academic Discourse.” Bowling Green University, Cultural Rhetorics: Theories and Methodologies, ENG 7800, April 9, 2013

"Indigenous Women's Political Role and 'Idle No More' “Osayak High School, Canadian Studies 30, Saskatoon, December 19, 2012

“Cultural Revitalization: Resistance and Rhetorical Sovereignty” University of Saskatchewan, Native Studies NS105.3 Local Aboriginal Cultures, November 29, 2006

“The Role of Music in Tomson Highway’s Kiss of the Fur Queen” University of Saskatchewan, English 342.6 Indigenous Storytelling of the Prairies, March 08, 2004

“Images of Aboriginal Women in 20th Century” University of Saskatchewan NATST 208.6 Images of the North American Indian, November 02, 2003

“Indigenous Language Immersion Programs as Language Revitalization” University of Saskatchewan NATST 499.6 Issues in Cultural Preservation, August 05, 2003

“Reflections on a Community Based Participatory Action Research Project Conducted at Cumberland House” University of Saskatchewan NATST 209.3 Introduction to Native Studies Research Methods, February 26, 2003

“Self Determination and Education” Saskatchewan Indian Federated College INST 421, Issues in Self-Determination, October 30, 2002

“Aboriginal Women’s Role in Cultural Persistence” University of Saskatchewan NATST 200.6 Metis History, October 17, 2002


(under review). “What this Pouch Holds” in Nancy Van Styvandale, Robert Innes and Robert Henry (Eds). Indigenous Art and Health Editted Collection.

(in press). “Sky Stories” In Neal McLeod (Ed). Working Title: Works by Prairie Writers Regina: Hagios Press.

(2016). “A Reading of Eekwol’s “Apprentice to the Mystery” as an Expression of Cree Youth’s Cultural Role and Responsibility.” Reprinted in Kimberli Lee, Jeff Burglund and Janis Johnson (Eds). Indigenous Pop. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

(2014). “‘Learning to Listen to a Quiet Way of Telling’:  A Study of Cree Counselling Discourse Patterns in Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed.” In Neal McLeod (Ed). Indigenous Poetics,  (pp. 351-369). Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

(2013). “The City as Home: The Sense of Belonging Among Aboriginal Youth in Saskatoon.” In Alan Anderson (Ed). Home in the City: Urban Aboriginal Housing in a Western Canadian City, (pp. 173-186). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

 (2010). “A Reading of Eekwol’s “Apprentice to the Mystery” as an Expression of Cree Youth’s Cultural Role and Responsibility.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 34 (2). 47-65.

(2006). Best Practices: An Environmental Scan of Aboriginal Resources Available to Teachers in Regina Public School District. Prepared for Fireweed Productions.

 (2005). The City as Home: The Sense of Belonging Among Aboriginal Youth in Saskatoon. Prepared for the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.

(1999). “Curriculum Development as Self-Determination.” Proceedings to the Changing the Climate: A Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, University of Saskatchewan.

(1998). The Context for an Aboriginal Language Immersion Program:  An Emic View of Success in School and Community.  Interim Report to Northern Lights School Division, La Ronge, SK.

(1998). Aboriginal Learning Centre at the University of Saskatchewan: Project Brief. Report to the Aboriginal Caucus, Space Planning Sub-Committee.

Papers Presented

2016    ‘Miskweyihtamowin kiskinwahamakamikohk: Discovering New Ways to Teach Languages in Schools,’ Panel Proposal Submitted with Kevin Lewis, Norman Fleury, Marguerite Koole, Awasis Conference April 27-29, 2016, Saskatoon,

2016    “Indigenous Rhetoric of Activism is Walking with All Our Relations,” Proposal accepted for College Communication and Composition Conference, (CCCC) Houston, April 8

2016    “Telling Stories: Writing Cultures Using Indigenous Rhetorics in the Writing Classroom,” Workshop, College Communication and Composition Conference, (CCCC) Houston, April 6 

2015    “Using Indigenous Pedagogy to Study an Indigenous Text,” College Communication and Composition Conference, (CCCC) Tampa, March 20

2014    “Reading the Land as Cultural Rhetoric,” Cultural Rhetorics Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, October 31

2014    “Indigenizing the Curriculum is More about How than What to Teach,” Wâhkôhtowin Indigenizing Practice in Post Secondary Education: Linking Kindred Spirits, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, September 19.

2014    “Seeking Peace of Mind with Grandfather Buffalo and Virgin Mary,”

            CCCC, Indianapolis, March 21

2014    “Think Indian/ Write English: Read English, Think Indian,” Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, (NAISA) Austin, Texas, May 28            

2013    “What This Pouch Holds,” NAISA Conference, Saskatoon, June 13

2013    “Elders’ Oral Discourse as Interpretive Tool,” CCCC, Las Vegas, March 14

2011    Indigenous Students’ Acquisition of Academic Language: Trends, Research, Theory and Practice,” Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Ulf’s, June 17   

2011    Pimachesowin and Aboriginal Access Programs in Higher Education”

Online Proceedings of Celebration of Research, College of Education, UofS, March 19

2010    “Listening to Books’ Quiet Way of Telling,” Celebrating Indigenous Knowledges, Trent University, June 16

2007    “A Reading of Eekwol’s “Too Sick” as a Song of Resistance and Redemption,” Canadian Indigenous Native Studies Association Conference, UofS,  May 28

2006         “A Quiet Way of Telling: Metis Rhetoric in Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed,”

Contemporary Native American Issues:  Pathways of Action, American Indian Studies Graduate Student Council Conference, University of Arizona. March 02

2006    “Maria Campbell’s Practice of Metis Rhetorical Sovereignty,” at Beyond Red River: New Views of Metis History. American Indian Studies Program Conference, Michigan State University,  February 27

2005    “Speaking on Behalf of Children,” Grandmothers for Justice Panel Presenter, Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System in Saskatchewan:  What Next?, Saskatoon, January 28

2004    “The City as Home: The Sense of Belonging Among Aboriginal Youth in Saskatoon,” Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.  Saskatoon Urban Housing Conference, Saskatoon, November 2

2002    “Offerings to the Ethos: The Humane Reflections of Tomson Highway,” Canadian Indian/Native Studies Association Annual Conference, at Congress 2002, University of Toronto

2001    “Researching with Aboriginal Communities,” Round Table Session at Curriculum Studies Annual Mini-Conference, College of Education, UofS

2001    “Community Vision and Expectations of Cree Immersion,” presented at Canadian Indian/Native Studies Association Annual Conference, 2001, UofS & Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

2000    “Community Research in Preparation for an Aboriginal Language Immersion,” Program” presented at Canadian Indian/Native Studies Association Annual Conference, UofS & FNUC

1999    “Crossing Borders: Colonialism and Resistance Viewed by LaRocque and Emberly,” presented at Changing the Climate Conference, UofS

1998    “Curriculum Development as Self-Determination,” presented at Changing the Climate Conference, UofS


“Teaching Literacy from a Dene Foundation (2016-17)” Action Research Project with Mary Ann Kkailther, Notice of Intent to Stirling McDowell Foundation, accepted Dec 2015

 “Collaboration between a First Nations School and an Urban School to promote Literacy Building and Intercultural Relationships (2016-17)” Action Research Project with Patricia Tastad and Mary Ann Kkailther, Notice of Intent to Stirling McDowell Foundation, accepted Dec 2015

“A Closer Look at Visual Literacy: Secondary Teacher Experiences inHow visual Literacy Influences Engagement in Learning” Action Research with Saskatoon Public Schools. Research Team Member,  2015-2016

“Secondary Literacy Assessment Matters,” Saskatoon Public Schools, Research Team Member, 2015-2016

“Intercultural Collaboration between Two Elementary School Teachers” Research Pilot, 2015-16

“Indigenous Language Teaching and Educational Technology,” Research Team Member with Dr. Marguerite Koole, Kevin Lewis, and Norman Fleury.

 “Bibliography of Secondary Source Material Related to the Roots of Violence against Aboriginal Women,” prepared for Maria Campbell, Trudeau Fellow 2014

“Research Relevant to Indigenous Land and Resource Management and Governance Indigenous 1998–2007,” Bibliography prepared for Aboriginal Land and Resource Management, College of Agriculture, UofS. 2007

 “Environmental Scan of Resources to support Teachers’ Delivery of Aboriginal Content and Perspectives in Curriculum, Madeline Project – Phase One” Fireweed Productions 2006

“The City as Home: The Sense of Belonging Among Aboriginal Youth in Saskatoon” Funded by Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing, 2005

PhD Committee Membership

Michelle Whitstone, PhD. Student, Topic: Indigenous Language Revitalization, Educational Administration, Committee Member

Academic Service

2015    Reviewer for Engaged Scholar Journal

2015    Reviewer for Wicazo Sa Review

2015    Stage One Reviewer of Proposals for  CCCC 2016

2015    Reviewer for Special Issue on Cutlural Rhetorics, enculturation: journal of  rhetoric, writing, and culture

2014    Reviewer for Research in the Teaching of English Journal

2014    Reviewer of Proposals for Cultural Rhetorics Conference, Michigan State     University

2013    Stage One Reviewer of Proposals for CCCC 2014

2011    Stage One Reviewer of Proposals for STLHE Conference 2011

Membership and Committees

2015-16           UofS, International Activities Committee, University Council, Member

2015-16           UofS, University Council, Member at Large

2013                NAISA 2013, Host, Fundaising, and Volunteer Subcommittees, Member

2012–2015      CCCC, American Indian Caucus, Member

2006–07          CINSA 2007, Conference Committee Member

2004                UofS, Behavioural Research Ethics Board, Member

2000                George Brown College, Aboriginal Education Council,

                        Ontario Métis and Aboriginal Association, Representative

1997–98          UofS, Aboriginal Caucus, Member

1997                UofS, Educational Foundations Department meetings, Indian and Northern Education Program,  Graduate Student Representative

Professional Associations

Indigenous Literary Studies Association (ILSA), Member since 2015

Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Member since 2015

Canadian Study of Indigenous Education (CASIE), Member since 2015

Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS), Member since 2015

Language and Literacies Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Member since 2015

Cultural Rhetorics Association (CRA), Member since 2014

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Member since 2013

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Member since 2013

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Member since 2012

Canadian Indigenous/Native Studies Association (CINSA), 2000-2002, 2007

Saskatchewan Teacher’s Federation (STF), Member since 1996

Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OTF), Member since 1987