Stephanie Martin
Professor, Educational Psychology & Special Education (On leave)- Address
- 3115 Education
Research Area(s)
- research and practice related to the psychology and experiences of adolescent girls and women; women’s mental health and healing experiences (e.g., disordered eating and body image concerns, healing from the affects of interpersonal trauma, lived-body health concerns), professional development and well-being/resilience; training and supervision in applied psychology; and ethics in research and practice
As a Registered Doctoral Psychologist (College of Saskatchewan Psychologists, 2002; College of Alberta Psychologists, 1997) and Professor, I am engaged in research and practice related the psychology and experiences of adolescent girls and women. I am particularly interested in women’s mental health and healing experiences (e.g., disordered eating and body image concerns, healing from the affects of interpersonal trauma, lived-body health concerns), professional development and well-being/resilience, training and supervision in applied psychology, and ethics in research and practice. I enjoy research that is depth-oriented, qualitative, and collaborative and that informs practice.
Courses Taught
SCP 810.3 Ethics in School and Counselling Psychology
SCP 814.3 Individual Interventions
SCP 818.3 Practicum I: School and Counselling Psychology
SCP 819.3 Practicum II: School and Counselling Psychology
ERES 845 Qualitative Research Methods
EPSE 417 Introduction to Counselling Theory
Students Supervised
Samimi, H., MEd, Exploring the relationship between emotion-focused coping and posttraumatic stress in women exposed to intimate partner violence, February 2012
Wiebe, A., MEd, The experience of spiritual coping among adult women survivors of child sexual abuse, November 2011
Marrs, H., PhD, Narrative descriptions of Miyo-mahchihown (well-being) from a contemporary nehiyawak (Plains Cree) perspective, May 2011
Quaale, R., MEd, Teenage girls online message board talk about cosmetic surgery: Constructions and social actions, June 2011
Bain, D., MEd, Awareness creates opportunity: A narrative study of resilience in adult children of alcoholics, May 2011
Thorpe, A. J., MEd, Experiencing the impact of child sexual abuse within intimate partner relationships, March 2011
Osmond, C., MEd, The fatherless identity: An exploratory case study, July 2010
Childs, H., MEd, Spiritual journeys in emerging adulthood: A narrative study, November 2009
Kruger, H., MEd, Women’s experiences as adolescents involved in delinquent activities, August 2009
McKillop, E., MEd, The lived experience and meaning of pregnancy in women with mild to moderate depression, August 2009
de Pina Jenkins, F., MEd, Life stories of frequent geographical relocation during childhood and adolescence, November 2007
Carter, B., MEd, Mediating factors affecting psychosocial wellness for women exposed to intimate partner violence in childhood, June 2005
Select Grants Recieved
Hampton, M. (PI), et al., Martin, S. L. (CoI), Rural and community response to intimate partner violence, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Community University Research Alliance, Ottawa, Ontario, May 2011 ($1,000,000 over 5 years)
Martin, S. L., Experiences of Field Supervisors in School and Counselling Psychology, John Ranton McIntosh Research Award, College of Education, April 2011 ($5,000 for one year, renewable)
Brooks, C., Martin (CoI), S. L. & Poudrier, In their own words: Understanding women’s use of violence in intimate partner relationships, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundations Research Establishment Grant, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2010 ($79.000 over 2 years)
Brooks, C. & Martin, S. L. (CoI), Women’s use of violence in intimate partnerships, President’s SSHRC, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, November 2009 ($5,000)
Farden, D., et al., Martin, S. L. (CoI), In each other’s hands: Community allies preventing intimate partner violence, National Crime Prevention Centre – Knowledge Transfer Program, Public Safety Canada ($475,000 over 2 years), September 2006
Martin, S. L., The healing journey: A qualitative study of women affected by intimate partner violence, President’s SSHRC ($4,500), April 2007
Martin, S. L. (Site Coordinator), The healing journey: A longitudinal study of the affects of intimate partner violence, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Community University Research Alliance ($8,000 sub-grant per year for 5 years), June 2003
Ramsden, V. (PI), et al., Martin, S. L. (Associate Member), Primary health care research group, Research Group Development Grant – Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation ($48,776 over 2 years), February 2007
Martin, S. L. (PI), Whittard, K., & Hellsen, L. A., Women, anger and self-esteem group intervention evaluation, Prairieaction Foundation, National Community Grants Program, 2005 ($5,000), June 2005
Martin, S. L., Helping the helpers: Exploring solutions to secondary traumatic stress, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women ‘Emerging Researcher’ Grant, Ottawa, Ontario, ($5,000), December 2003
Select Peer Reviewed Publications/Abstracts
Hellsten, L, McIntyre, L., Martin, S. & Kinzel, A., Women on the academic track: An autoethnographic inquiry. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (Accepted, April 2011)
McKillop, E., Martin, S. L., Bowen, A. & Muharjarine, N. (2011). The best and worst time of my life: The lived experience and meaning of pregnancy in women with mild to moderate depression, Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 24(3), 174-196.
Hellsten, L., Martin, S. L. & McIntyre, L. (2010). Navigating the potholes and speed bumps: Three women’s perspectives on the tenure process, Journal of Educational Thought: Special Issue on Tenure, 44(1), 99-116.
Fleming, T., Junkin, S., Kowalski, K., Lejbak, L., Mack, D., Crocker, P. & Martin, S. (2007), Young women’s experiences of social physique anxiety, Feminism & Psychology, 18(2), 231-252.
Martin, S. L. (2006), Bearing witness: Experiences of front-line anti-violence responders, Canadian Women’s Studies Journal, Special Issue: Ending Woman Abuse, 25(1/2), 11-15.
Farden, D. & Martin, S. L., In each others’ hands: Project update, RESOLVE (Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse) News, 9(1), 1 and 6.
Dumont, F., Fitzpatrick, M., Lalande, V. & Martin, S. L. (2005). Counselling Psychology in Canada: Our professional identity. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 46:2a
Martin, S. L., An exploration of women’s health and healing in the context of intimate partner violence, The 15th International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2009.
McIntyre, L., Hellsten, L. & Martin, S. L., Weighing personal and professional risks: Using autoethnography to describe the academic experience, Innovations in Qualitative Research Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2010.
Martin, S. L., Hellsten-Bzovey, L. A. & Miller, D. & Ebanks, A. (2007), Experiences of beginning teachers: Promoting positive transitions. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 49:2a, 273.
Martin, S. L., Claypool, T. & Nicol, J. A. (2007), Working together: An integrative program for responsive practice. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 49:2a, 291.
Martin, S. L., Hellsten, L. & Whittard, K. (2006). Evaluation of an innovative group program targeting women’s experience of self-esteem and anger. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 47:2a, 251.
Martin, S. L. (2006). The healing journey project: Emerging lessons in advancing multi-disciplinary collaborative research practice. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 47:2a, 261.
Martin, S. L. (2005). The meaning and significance of women’s experience of their cherished personal possessions. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 46:2a, 233.
Martin, S. L. (2005). Balancing the ‘costs’ of caring: Developing strategies for enhanced helper well being. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 46:2a, 273.
Martin, S. L. (2004). Helping the helpers: Exploring solutions to secondary traumatic stress in front-line anti-violence counselors. Canadian Psychology: Annual Convention Issue, 46:2a, 29.
Conference Presentations
Martin, S., Farden, D., & Thomas-Prokop, S., In each others’ hands: Findings from a Saskatchewan femicide project, RESOLVE (Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse) National Research Day, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008
Martin, S. & Claypool, T., What’s happening across the road? The school and counselling psychology program! Clinical Psychology Seminar, Department of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2008
Martin, S. L., Women’s experience of their cherished personal possessions: Theoretical, research and practical implications, Research in Motion Series, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, February 2008
Martin, S. L., Resilience and empowerment: Theoretical applications for personal and professional practice (workshop), Department of Social Work Education Day, Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 2008
Martin, S. L., Social work in health care contexts: Negotiating the challenge of vicarious trauma (workshop), Department of Social Work Education Day, Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, March 2007
Martin, S. L. & Whittard, K., Women, anger and self-esteem: A group intervention evaluation project, Adult Community Mental Health In-Service Session, Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, April 2007
Martin, S. L. & Whittard, K., Angry or hurting? An innovative group program for women, Regional Psychiatric Centre In-service Session, Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2007
Martin, S. L., Caring and respectful education: Considering the complex contexts of students’ lives, College of Education 80th Anniversary Celebration, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, November 2006
Martin, S. L., The practitioner’s perspective of Counselling Psychology in Canada (Counselling section roundtable: Questions of identity: Counselling Psychology in Canada, Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, June 2005
Martin, S. L., A Saskatchewan-based anti-violence research agenda: Challenges and possibilities, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, February 2004
Martin, S. L., Secondary traumatic stress workshop, Crisis and Victims’ Services In-service Workshop, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, May 2004
McIntyre, L., Hellsten, L. & Martin, S. L., Weighing personal and professional risks: Using autoethnography to describe the academic experience, Innovations in Qualitative Research Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2010
Martin, S. L., An exploration of women’s health and healing in the context of intimate partner violence (poster), The 15th International Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2009
Brooks, C. & Martin, S. L., Intimate partner violence and resilience: Learning from Aboriginal women’s experience, RESOLVE (Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse) Research Day, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 2009
Martin, S. & Clayool, T. & Nicol, J., Preparing tomorrow’s counsellors and psychologists: Opportunities and challenges, Canadian Counselling Association
Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2009
Martin, S., Farden, D. & Prokop, S., Can community allies prevent intimate partner violence? Canadian Counselling Association Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2009
Martin, S. L., Hellsten-Bzovey, L. A., Miller, D. & Ebanks, A., Experiences of beginning teachers: Promoting positive transitions, Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Convention, Canadian Psychological Convention, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2008
Martin, S. L., Claypool, T. & Nicol, J. A., Working together: An integrative program for responsive practice, Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Convention, Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2008
Hellsten-Bzovey, L., Dueck, G., Martin, S. L., McVittie, J., Reynolds, C., Ebanks, A. & Lai, H., the transition of Saskatchewan beginning teachers into the teaching profession, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 2008
Nicol, J. & Martin, S. L., Using software data analysis programs in team-based health research (poster), 8th Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, September 2007
Martin, S. L., Kruger, H. & Childs, H., Understanding Women’s Journeys: Students’ Perspectives on the Process of Qualitative Analysis, RESOLVE Research Day, Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse, Calgary, Alberta, 2007
Farden, D., Martin, S. L., Broda, L., Hodson, M., Thomas Pokop, S. & Kewistep, G., In each others’ hands: Research process and preliminary findings, RESOLVE Research Day, Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse, Calgary, Alberta, 2007
communities. All authors attended and participated in the presentation.
Farden, D., Broda, L. & Martin, S. L., In each others’ Hands: Community allies preventing intimate partner violence, Mental Health Research Showcase, Banff, Alberta, 2007
Martin, S. L., Reflections on process and outcomes of a community-university research partnership, RESOLVE Research Day, Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2006
Martin, S. L., Hellsten-Bzovey, L. & Whittard, K., Evaluation of an innovative group program targeting women’s experience of self-esteem and anger, National Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, Alberta, 2006
Martin, S. L., The healing journey project: Emerging lessons in advancing multi-disciplinary collaborative research practice, National Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, Alberta, 2006
Martin, S., Hellsten-Bzovey, L. & Whittard, K., A preliminary evaluation of a group counselling intervention: Women, anger and self-esteem, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2006
Whittard, K., Martin, S. L. & Hellsten-Bzovey, L. A., Addressing women’s anger: An innovative group program, Eleventh Biennial Symposium on Violence and Aggression, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2006
Harriman, R. & Martin, S. L., Building trust and understanding in working with rural youth: A community-university collaboration, CUExpo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2005
Martin, S. L., Helper well being (workshop), Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, 2005
Martin, S. L., The meaning and significance of women’s experience of their cherished personal possessions (poster), Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec, 2005
Martin, S. L. & Harriman, R., Defining the future: Embracing our girls, RESOLVE Research Day, Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse, Calgary, Alberta, 2005
Martin, S. L., Helping the helpers, First Annual Festival of Research, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2004
Fleming, T., Junkin, S., Kowalski, K., Martin, S., Stevens, D. & Crocker, P., A qualitative case study of young women’s experience of social physique anxiety, North American Society of Sport and Physical Activity, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2004
Morrison, M. & Martin, S. L., Bridging the gap: Building partnerships and alliances between members of the university and community organizations, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2004
Martin, S. L., Helping the helpers: Exploring solutions to secondary traumatic stress, RESOLVE Research Day, Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2003
Martin, S. L., Balancing multiple roles as a graduate student, Gender Research Symposium, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 1993