Laureen McIntyre
Associate Professor and Graduate Chair, Educational Psychology & Special Education- Address
- 3112 Education
Research Area(s)
- basis of learning difficulties and disabilities in diverse populations; teacher education, knowledge, and classroom practice relating to special education; professional identity and mentorship
Dr. Laureen McIntyre is an Associate Professor and the current Graduate Chair in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at the University of Saskatchewan. She teaches undergraduate, post graduate, and graduate courses in speech and language development, acquisition, and disorders, special education/diverse learners, educational psychology, and applied measurement and evaluation. Dr. McIntyre completed a Bachelor of Education degree (B.Ed.) at the University of Saskatchewan, a Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) in Communication Disorders at Minot State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) in Educational Psychology (specifically Special Education) at the University of Alberta. Dr. McIntyre holds a Saskatchewan Professional A Teaching Certificate and a Resource Teacher, Learning Assistance, and Special Class Teacher designation. As an American and Canadian certified, and Saskatchewan licensed, speech-language pathologist, Dr. McIntyre has worked in both community health and school settings in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Her research focus relates to meeting the diverse needs of individuals with varied language, literacy, and learning abilities investigating: professionals'/educators' education, knowledge, and practice; early, targeted, and lifelong intervention/services across the lifespan; and creating safe and enabling learning and work environments.
Ph.D., University of Alberta, Department of Educational Psychology, Special Education, 2004
M.Sc., Minot State University, Department of Communication Disorders, 1994
B.Ed. with Distinction, University of Saskatchewan, College of Education, Special Education and English, 1992
Most Recent Undergraduate Courses
EPSE 390: Exceptional Learners
EPSE 414: Exceptional Learners: Classroom Implications
Most Recent Post-Graduate/Graduate Courses
EPSE 520: Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities in the Classroom
EPSE 859: Seminar in Language and Learning Disability
EPSE 993: Individual Research Assignment in Educational Psychology
Research Focus: Meeting the diverse needs of individuals with varied language, literacy, and learning abilities, investigating:
- Early, targeted, and lifelong interventions/services across the lifespan
- Professionals'/educators' education, knowledge, and practice
- Creating safe and enabling learning and work environments
Service and Outreach
University of Saskatchewan College/University Committees
- Member (Continuing). College of Education Undergraduate Awards Committee. (August 2017-June 30, 2018; August 2018-June 30, 2019; August 2019-Present).
- Member (Continuing). Social Sciences Research Laboratories (SSRL) Strategic Priorities Committee. 2017- Present.
- Member (Continuing). College of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies Executive Committee. September 2017 – June 30, 2021.
- Chair and Member (Continuing). Joint Benefits Committee, University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association (USFA). (July 2011-Present)
- Member. College of Education Nominations Committee. (August 2018 -June 30, 2019; August 2019-September 1, 2020).
Professional Committees Outside of University of Saskatchewan
- Member. Nomination Committee (Formerly the Governance and Nomination Committee). Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC). May 2019-May 2020; May 2020- May 2021.
- Chair and Member. Identification & Classification of Childhood Language Disorders Position Statement Ad Hoc Committee. Speech-Language & Audiology Canada. January – November 2018.
- Member. Governance and Nomination Committee. Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC) July 1, 2014 – May 30, 2017; June 1, 2017 – May 23, 2019.
- Member, Clinical Research Grants Committee, Speech-Language & Audiology Canada, October 2010- May 2018.
Graduate Supervision
(Most Recent Five Years)
Powell, Cindy. (2020, December). M.Ed. Resiliency in Post-Secondary: Perspectives of Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/13193
Donald, Emily. (2018, December). M.Ed. Let’s play! Counselling professionals’ perspectives of using play interventions in clinical practices. Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/12081
Gibb, Kate. (2018, June). M.Ed. Considering Western Canadian parents’ perceptions of children’s play in development and learning. Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/9168
Kluk, Alyssa. (2017, September). M.Ed. Fostering a growth mindset: Elementary teacher experiences using mindfulness practices. Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/8299
Foric-Nordstrom, Almasa. (2017, June). M.Ed. Fostering language development in early intervention experiences: Parental satisfaction, involvement, and perception of quality. Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/8042
Adams Lebell, Megan. (2016, October). M.Ed. Parents’ perceptions of factors and barriers to school transitions for children with exceptionalities. Department Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/7760
McDougall, Delee. (2016, October). M.Ed. Exploring the experiences of mindfulness-based teachers in Saskatchewan schools. Department Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/7669
Brandt, Lauren. (2016, June). M.Ed. Staying in school: Exploring the experiences of post-secondary students with diverse needs. Department Educational Psychology and Special Education. https://harvest.usask.ca/handle/10388/7374
Selected Publications
Stagg Peterson, S., McIntyre, L.J., & Heppner, D. (2018). Northern rural and Indigenous teachers’ experiences and perceptions of rural teaching and teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 7(3), 189-205. http://jtee.org/
Stagg-Peterson, S., McIntyre, L.J., & Glaés-Coutts, L. (2017). Collaborative action research in Northern Canadian rural and Indigenous schools: Learning about young children’s oral language in play contexts. Educational Action Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2017.1402686
McIntyre, L.J., Hellsten, L.M., Bidonde, J., Boden, C., & Doi, C. (2017). Receptive and expressive English language assessments used for young children: A scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6:70. http://rdcu.be/qFgP
Knorr, L., & McIntyre, L.J. (2016). Resilience in the face of adversity: Stories from adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Exceptionality Education International, 26(1), 53-75. https://doi.org/10.5206/eei.v26i1.7735
Stagg-Peterson, S., McIntyre, L.J., & Forsyth, D. (2016). Supporting young children’s oral language and writing development. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC), 41(3), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/183693911604100303
Selected Presentations
McIntyre, L.J., Hellsten, L.M., & Moslemi, N. (2020, April 17-21). Exploring, learning, belonging, or engaging in frivolous fun? Examining western Canadian parents’ perceptions of play [Conference presentation]. AERA Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera20/ (Conference cancelled).
Hellsten, L.M., Lemisko, L., McIntyre, L.J., & Mousavi, A. (2020, April 17-21). Exploring the workplace bullying and incivility experiences of faculty in the higher education [Conference round table presentation]. AERA Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera20/ (Conference cancelled).
Hellsten, L., McIntyre, L.J., Koole, M., & Hendry, B. (2019). Examining factors influencing cyber bullying among Canadian youth: Appraisal of the I3 model. World Anti-Bullying Forum 2019. Dublin, Ireland. June 4 – 6, 2019.
McIntyre, L.J., Zacharias, L., Bihun, E., & Palmer-Clarke, Y. (2018, November). Supporting young children's writing: Exploring teachers' use of digital pens in the classroom environment. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 2018 Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, November 15-17, 2018. https://convention.asha.org/ebook/pbook2018/index.html?page=286
McIntyre, L.J., Darling, S., Mailloux, A., Zacharias, L., & Palmer-Clarke, Y. (2017, July). Exploring and supporting Indigenous/non-Indigenous children’s oral and written language in play-based classrooms. Presented at the International Literacy Association (ILA), July 15-17, 2017, Orlando, Florida.
In the News
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI). (2016, April 15). John R. Evans leaders fund enables exciting new research. Laureen McIntyre: A portable lab helps children with speaking and literacy difficulties. https://www.innovation.ca/story/john-r-evans-leaders-fund-enables-exciting-new-research
Shewaga, J. (2016, April 15). U of S researchers bring the laboratory to the classroom [Media release]. University of Saskatchewan. https://news.usask.ca/media-release-pages/2016/u-of-s-researchers-bring-the-laboratory-to-the-classroom.php