Amin Mousavi
Associate Professor, Department Head, Educational Psychology & Special Education- Address
- 3112 Education
Research Area(s)
- Statistical modelling in Social and Behavioral sciences (e.g., Structural equation modelling, latent variable modelling, multilevel modeling), Psychometrics (Classical and Item Response theory), Large scale assessment, Technology and Educational measurement.
Dr. Mousavi is an Assistant Professor of Psychometrics, Classroom Assessment, and Measurement at the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, College of Education, U of S. His main area of interest for teaching and research is quantitative methodology in Social and behavioral sciences. He conducts research in the area of educational and psychological measurement with a focus on person fit analysis, parameter estimation and computer assisted testing/assessment; unidimentional and multidimentional Item Response Theory; psychometrics of instrument development; Latent variable modeling; Educational Data Mining; Application of advanced statistical techniques such as multigroup, mutlilevel and mixture modeling.
For more information, please visit Dr. Mousavi's personal webpage: Amin Mousavi
For more information, please visit Dr. Mousavi's personal webpage: Amin Mousavi
- PhD. in Measurement, Evaluation and Cognition. Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Canada, 2015
- B.A. Educational Research, University of Tehran, Tehran, 2008
- B.S. Applied Physics, Payam-e-Nur University, Ahwaz, 2005
Undergraduate Teaching
- EPSE 202 – Psychological basis of teaching and learning
- EPSE 348 – Essentials of assessing student learning
- EPSE 411 – Inquiry in Education
Graduate Teaching
- ERES 800 - Research Methods Introductory
- ERES 841 - Advanced Statistical Research Methods
- EPSE 843 - Theory of Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Statistical Methods in Education & Psychology
- Latent variable modeling
- Educational Measurement and Psychometrics
- Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics
Graduate Supervision
- Wang, Q., (In Progress). [PhD] Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan.
- Friesen, D., (In Progress). Conceptualizing Assessment Literacy in higher Education, [MEd] Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan.
- Schmidt, M. (2019). Challenges for Chinese international university graduate students in Canadian anglophone classrooms. [MEd] Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan.
Service and Outreach
- Executive Officer, Canadian Educational Research Association (CERA), Canadian Society for the Study of Education, June 2017 to May 2019.
- Committee Member, U of S SSHRC College of Reviewers, Office of the Vice-President Research, University of Saskatchewan.
- Committee Member, Awards Committee of the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Saskatchewan, July 2017 to June 2019.
- Committee Member, U of S NSERC College of Reviewers, Office of the Vice-President Research, University of Saskatchewan, August 2016 to September 2016.
- Chair, Governance Committee, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan.
Selected Publications
- Mousavi, A., Schmidt, M., Squires, V. & Willson, K. (2020). Assessing the effectiveness of Student Advice Recommender Agent (SARA): the case of automated personalized feedback, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
- Zeynivandnezhad, F., Mousavi, A. & Kotabe, H. (2020). The Mediating Effect of Deep Vs Superficial Study Approaches on the Relationships Between Perceptions of Mathematics and Experiences Using Digital Learning Technologies, Computers in the Schools.
- Mousavi, A., Shojaee, M., Shahidi, M., Cui, Y. & Kutcher, S. (2019). Measurement invariance and psychometric analysis of Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale across gender and marital status. Journal of Affective Disorders.
- Mousavi, A., Cui, Y., Rogers, T. (2018). An Examination of Different Methods of Setting Cutoff Values in Person Fit Research, International Journal of Testing,1-22.
Selected Presentations
- Mousavi, A., Dunlop, B. & Farkasdi, S. (June 2020). Exploring students' knowledge structure: application of Knowledge Space Theory using TIMMS data. 48th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, ON, May 30, 2020 to June 4, 2020.
- Wang, Q., Mousavi, A. & Lu, C. (June 2020). Exploring methods of analyzing log file data for learning analytics: A literature review. 48th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, ON, May 30, 2020 to June 4, 2020.
- Friesen, D. & Mousavi, A. (June 2020). Assessment Literacy in Higher Education. 48th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, ON, May 30, 2020 to June 4, 2020.
- Schmidt, M., Mousavi, A., Squires, V. & Wilson, K. (April 2019). Using Different Matching Protocols to assess the Effectiveness of Personalized Feedback in Web-based Learning. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, ON, April 5, 2019 to April 9, 2019.