Shaun Murphy
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs, Partnerships, and Research)Professor, Educational Foundations (EFDT)
- Address
- 3361 Education
Research Area(s)
- teacher education; curriculum studies; mathematics education; teacher & children’s knowledge; narrative inquiry; familial curriculum making; interwoven lives of children, families, & teachers; rural education
Shaun Murphy is a Professor in Educational Foundations at the University of Saskatchewan. He was born and raised on Treaty Six territory, where he still works. He was an elementary school teacher in rural and urban settings for twenty years. Shaun’s research interests are based in relational narrative inquiry, self-study of teacher practice, familial and school curriculum making; identity; rural education; assessment practices; the interwoven lives of children, families, and teachers; and teacher education.
- Ph.D., University of Alberta, 2004, Department of Elementary Education, Teacher Education
- M.Ed., University of Alberta, 2000, Department of Elementary Education, Teacher Education
- B.Ed., University of Alberta, 1985, Department of Elementary Education
Undergraduate Teaching
- EFDT 101 Introduction to Education
- EDST 321 Field Experience (student teaching)
- EDST 322 Field Experience (student teaching)
- ECUR 312 Elementary Math Methods
- EDUC 321 Field Experience (student teaching)
- EDUC 322 Field Experience (student teaching)
- EDUC 312 Relational Curriculum-making: Intersections of Educators, Learners, Contexts, and Subject Matters
- EDUC 498 Elementary Math Methods and English Language Arts
- ECUR 311 Mathematics methods K- 9 (Math1)
- ECUR 370 Literacy Education
- ECUR 273 Oracy Education
- EXPR 402 Field Experience (extended practicum)
Graduate Teaching
- EFDT 898 Assessment as Pimosayta: Attending to experience in relational ways
- EFDT 824 (Re)considering Experience: Narrative Inquiries of Time, People, and Place
- ERES 800 Research Methods Introductory
- ERES 845 Qualitative Research Methodology
- ECUR 835 Teacher and Children’s Identity Composition in Curriculum Making
- ECUR 812 Curriculum Theory/Practice
- ECUR 844 Narrative Inquiry
- ECUR 990 Graduate Seminar
- Assessment with Indigenous Learners
- Teacher Education
- Curriculum Theory
- Research Methodology (specifically Narrative Inquiry)
- Rural Education
- Lives of Teachers, Children, & Families
Service and Outreach
- Department Chair, Educational Foundations January 2018
- Graduate Chair, Educational Foundations, 2016
- Various departmental, college, university committees
- Book Review Editor, Teaching and Teacher Educator (TATE)
- Editorial Board (LLJEB) member LEARNing Landscapes
- Editorial Board Brazilian Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Reviewer for various journals and conferences
- 2018-ongoing. Spadina Early Learning Foundation, member at large
- 2018- ongoing. Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Research applications/ethics review
Graduate Supervision
- Stavrou, Stavros (2020). Indigenization and school mathematics: A narrative inquiry into the experiences of cree educators and a white euro-western mathematician. [PhD] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Laurel Boerma (2020). A Narrative Inquiry of the Experiences of Teaching Artists in Community-Based Practice. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Luis Barros (2020). Narrative Beginnings and Lived Experiences in (Re) Shaping Stories to Live by: Embracing Multicultural Worlds through Narrative Inquiry. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Kavia, Sonal (2019). Mindfulness as practice: Shifts in teacher awareness and identity. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Mills, K. (2018). Writing and Sharing Life: Older Women’s Experiences in a Grassroots Writing Group. [MEd] Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, University of Saskatchewan. (Awarded: University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Award (Master’s) in the Social Sciences (B))
- Clarke, C. (2016). Beyond the Muskeg: Poetic Expressions of a Narrative Inquiry Into Curriculum Making and Identity Making On the Edges of Community. [PhD] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan (Awarded a University of Saskatchewan dissertation award)
- Hutchinson, D. (2017). Composing Complex Identities: A Narrative Inquiry into Experience of Individuals Positioned by Dominant Stories of Gender and Sexuality. [PhD] Kansas University. (Awarded University of Kansas Distinguished Dissertation award)
- Begezen, V. (2017). As histórias de autoria que vivemos nas aulas de inglês do sexto ano na escola pública (The stories of authorship we have lived at the grade 6 English classes at the public school). [PhD] Universidade de Federal de Uberlândia.
- Cochran, N. (2016). A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Children and Their Families in the Stanley Cup Reading Program. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Driedger-Enns, L. (2014). A narrative inquiry into the identity making of two early-career teachers: Understanding the personal in personal practical knowledge. [PhD] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan (Dissertation award, Canadian Association of Teacher Educators, 2014; Narrative Research SIG Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2016)
- Davis, B. (2013). Stories of liminality: A narrative inquiry into the experiences of elementary teachers who taught a student with a chronic illness. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan (Thesis award, Canadian Association of Teacher Educators, 2014)
- Helms, K. (2014). Teaching and travelling in tune: Identity in itinerant band programs. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
- Lawrence. E., (2008). Influences of experience on stories to live by in an elementary classroom. [MEd] Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
Selected Publications
- Huber, J., Murphy, M.S., & Clandinin, D.J. (2011) Places of Curriculum Making:
Narrative Inquiries into Children’s Lives in Motion. Bigely: Emerald Group Publishing. - Murphy, M.S. & Huber, J. (2020) An Indigenous Mother and Grandmother’s Everyday Practices of Shaping A Child’s Ongoing Healthy Identity Making. In (eds) John Charlton, J.E., Michell, H.J. & and Acoose, S.L . Decolonizing mental health: Embracing indigenous multi-dimensional balance.
- Miller, K., Nichols, J., & Murphy, M.S., (2020) Storying the Past, Creating the Future: Hope and Narrative Openness in an Older Women’s Writing Group. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy /Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie ISSN 0826-3893 Vol. 54 No. 3 © 2020 Pages 430–450.
- Murphy, M.S. & Pinnegar, S. (2018). Shaping community in online courses: A self-study of practice in course design to support the relational. Studying Teacher Education. 14(3).
- Murphy, M.S. (2019) Coming Alongside During the Dissertation Process: Living, Telling, Reliving, Retelling a Story of Being and Becoming a Narrative Inquirer.in (eds) Clark, C & Hutchinson, D. Multiple perspectives of the muskeg: The critical role of landscape in shaping teacher knowledge.
Selected Presentations
- Pinnegar, S. E. & Murphy, M.S. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) A Narrative Exploration of Teacher Educators' Tales of Resilience. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/un4wd79
- Cardinal, T. M., Huber, J. & Murphy, M.S. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Co-Making Assessment as Pimosayta: Inquiring Into the Meeting of Personal, Indigenous, and Relational Knowledge. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CAhttp://tinyurl.com/sxq633k
- Stavrou, S. G. & Murphy, M.S. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Navigating Critical Theory in Narrative Inquiry . AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/rq2u2vw
- Murphy, M.S. Guest lecturer to Universidade Federal de Uberlandia class, throughout the Fall term (September – December, 2019)
- Murphy, M.S. October 8, 2019 Writing Academically, Universidade Federal de Goias
In The News
- Murphy, M.S. (2016) Narrative Inquiry Video. Deakin University. Victoria, Australia. https://video.deakin.edu.au/media/t/0_sb3t2e1y
- Murphy, M.S. (2020) Narrative Beginnings. Instagram Recording for Grupo de Pesquisa Narrativa e Educação de Professores (GPNEP). May 14, 2020.