David Mykota
Professor, Educational Psychology & Special Education- Address
- 3102 Education
Research Area(s)
- substance use; program evaluation; resilient children and youth; child and youth psychopathology; e-learning
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. David Mykota is a Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. His research interests include early intervention, program evaluation, resilient children and youth, child and youth psychopathology and elearning.
Teaching Record
EPSE 390.3 (W02) 2015-2016 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W04) 2015-2016 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W06) 2015-2016 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (W03) 2015-2016 Regular Session, Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 390.3 (W05) 2016 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2013-2014 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W02) 2013-2014 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W10) 2013-2014 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (W03) 2013-2014 Regular Session, Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2014 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 20011-2012 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (W02) 2010-2011 Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice online course
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2011 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 2011 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 993.3 (01) 2010-2012 Regular Session, Research Assignment in Educational Psychology online course
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 20010-2011 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W02) 20010-2011 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2010-2011 Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice piloted online course
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2011 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 2011 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 993.3 (01) 2010-2011 Regular Session, Research Assignment in Educational Psychology piloted online course
EPSE 898.3 (05) 2011 Spring Session, ADHD: Assessment and Treatment in School Based Settings
EPSE 390.3 (W02) 2009-2010 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 2009-2010 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2009-2010 Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2010 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course (28 students)
EPSE 390.3 (W03) 2010 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W10) 2008-2009 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 390.3 (W01) 2009 Spring Session, Exceptional Learners online course
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2008-2009 Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth:Advanced Theory and Practice
SCP 811.3 (05) 2009 Spring Session, Psychopathology and Developmental Risk
EPSE 390.3(W01) 2007-2008 Regular Session, Exceptional
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2007-2008 Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 500.3 (W01) 2006-2007 Regular Session, History and Philosophy of Special Education: Special Education Certificate online course
SCP 811 (01) 2006-2007 Regular Session, Psychopathology: Assessing Developmental Risk
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2006-2007 Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 390.3 (10) 2006-2007 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners: Integrated School Experiences Kappa pilot
EPSE 390.3 (01) 2005-2006 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EPSE 868.3 (02) 2005-2006 Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice
EPSE 390.3 (03), 2006 Spring/Summer Session, Exceptional Learners
EPSE 540.3 (W01) 2006 Spring/Summer Session, Collaborative Processes and Contexts: Special Education Certificate online course
EDPSE 570.3 (W01), 2006 Spring/Summer Session, Individual Project in Special Education: Special Education Certificate online course
EDPSE 337.3 (01) 2005 Spring Session, Self Discipline and Developing Responsible Learners
EDPSE 448.3 (08), 2004-2005 Regular Session, Assessing Learning in the Classroom
EDPSE 437.3 (31), 2004-2005 Regular Session, Classroom Dynamics and Student Discipline
EDPSE 570.3 (02), 2004 Summer Session, Individual project in Special Education
EDPSE 390.3 (30), 2004 Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 888.3 (02), Regular Session, Trends and Issues Educating Children and Youth with Exceptionalities (team taught with Dr. McNamara)
EDPSE 390.3 (08), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDPSE 390.3 (12), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDPSE 437.3 (01), Regular Session, Classroom Management
EDEXC 831.3 (02), Summer Session, Behaviour Disorders Children and Youth
EDEXC 831.3 (02), Regular Session, Behaviour Disorders Children and Youth: Introduction
EDEXC 812.3 (01), Regular Session, Teaching Behaviour and Social Skills to Children and Youth
EDEXC 390.3 (01), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 390.3 (03), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDPSE 390.3 (12), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 412.3 (12), Spring Session Exceptional Persons, Families & Professionals
EDPSE 390.3 (01), Summer Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 390.3 (03), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 390.3 (11), Summer Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 390.3 (01), Spring Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 412.3 (04), Regular Session, Exceptional Persons, Families, and Professionals
EDEXC 390.3 (08), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 390.3 (10), Regular Session, Exceptional Learners
EDEXC 414.3 (01), Summer Session, Exceptional Learners: Classroom Implications
Program Development
Proposal Writer for Course Based Masters in Educational Psychology and Special Education, University of Saskatchewan (2008-2009)
As Department Head wrote proposal and undertook leadership role for the development and implementation of the Course Based Masters in Educational Psychology and Special Education, approved by the College of Graduate Studies, the Academic Programs Committee, and University Council effective June 2009. The Course Based Masters in Educational Psychology and Special Education is a 30-credit unit program that offers students advanced competencies in two streams, special education and measurement and evaluation. Students who have completed the Post Degree Certificate in Special Education would be granted advanced standing in the Course Based Masters. A successful application for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) development funding was submitted concurrently and granted in June 2009 (Phase 1) and 2010 (Phase 2). TEL funding enabled the development of the Course Based Masters for online delivery. The direct measurable outcomes were found in increased enrolment in the M. Ed. in Educational Psychology and Special Education due to enhanced accessibility of the programs to students who live in rural and/or remote areas or who are unable to maintain permanent residency at the University due familial or job constraints ( i.e. many of those enrolled in our EPSE graduate program are teachers).
Academic Project Leader for M.Ed. in Educational Psychology and Special Education Phase 2 Technology Enhanced Learning Development Team. (2010-2011)
As Academic Project Leader worked in conjunction with TEL development team which included TEL program manager, project coordinator, instructional designer, subject matter experts. Had oversight responsibilities for academic, instructional design, and production activities involved for the online development of the reaming three-3 credit unit graduate courses in Educational Psychology that comprised the course-based masters.
Academic Project Leader for M.Ed. in Educational Psychology and Special Education Phase 1 Technology Enhanced Learning Development Team. (2009-2010)
As Academic Project Leader worked in conjunction with TEL development team which included TEL program manager, project coordinator, instructional designer, subject matter experts). Had oversight responsibilities for academic, instructional design, and production activities involved for the online development of the initial four-3 credit unit graduate courses in Educational Psychology that comprised the course-based masters.
Principal Content Developer and Coordinator for Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education (2003-2007)
As the Coordinator and Principal Content Developer for the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education between 2003-2007 I was responsible for the implementation of the 30 credit unit offering developed in response to Graduate review and stakeholders demands that special education teacher preparation become more accessible through online offerings. As Coordinator and Principal Content Developer I procured multi-year funding through the Government of Saskatchewan’s Technology Enhanced Learning fund for 2003-2004, 2004-2005, and 2005-2006 for the online development of the certificate.
Substantially Revised or New Courses Developed and Approved
Piloted and developed online delivery of EPSE 868.3 Behaviour Disorders of Children and Youth: Advanced Theory and Practice (2011). Course taught by myself in both course based masters and thesis options of the M. Ed. In Educational psychology and Special Education.
Revised thirteen modules of EPSE 550.6 for new online course 551.3 delivered in 2009-2010 academic term as part of the revisions conducted for the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education.
Developed online course content (2006-2007) for EPSE 390.3 Exceptional Learners piloted in the 2007-2008 academic term. Required course for the Undergraduate program in Education and prerequisite course for the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education.
Developed course content and taught pilot offering of EDPSE 570.3 Individual Project in Special Education the culminating capstone course in the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education. 2004.
Developed course content and wrote course proposal, 2003, for EDPSE 530.3 Supporting Students with Behavioural and Social Needs in the Classroom a content area course for the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education passed by University Council April, 2003.
Wrote course proposal for EPSE 852.3 Advanced Theory and Research in Special Education for proposed Master of Education in Educational Psychology and Special Education October 2002.
Books, Chapters in Books and Media Productions
Hallahan, D.P., Kauffman, J. M., McIntyre, L. and Mykota, D. (2008). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education. (Canadian edition) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Mykota, D. (2002). Implementing Paraprofessional Strength-Based Home Visitations. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, 238 pp.
Mykota, D. (1996). Predictors of Problem Behaviours in the Student Population Served by the Saskatoon Tribal Council. Unpublished M.Ed. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 171 pp.
Chapters in Books:
Mykota, D. (Accepted 2016). Culture and Personality. In Carducci, B., Fabio, D., Saklofske, D. & Stough, C. (Eds.) The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Wiley-Blackwell.
Fornssler, B., Hall, L., Dell, C., Mushquash, C., Duncan, R., Hopkins, C., Poole, N., Menzies, P., Rowan, M., Dell*, C., Martin, M., Fiedelday-Van Dijk, C., Mykota, D. (In Press 2016). Travelling the mobius strip: The influence of two-eyed seeing in the development of research accomplices. In Innes, R. A., Van Styvendale, N., & Henry, R. (Eds.) Indigenous health from a multidisciplinary global perspective. University of Arizona Press.
Mykota, D. & Bonneycastle, D. (2006). An Instructional Design Model for Program Management: A Case Study of the Implementation of an Online Post-Degree Certificate in Special Education. In Passian, B. & Woodhill, G. (Eds) Plan to learn: Case studies in elearning project management. (pp. 79-91). Halifax, NS: Canadian eLearning Enterprise Alliance.
Mykota, D. (2006). Effective practices for implementation and project management of e-learning. In Pasian, B. & Woodhill, G. (Eds.), Elearning project management: Canadian perspectives (pp. 63-66). Halifax, NS: Canadian eLearning Enterprise Alliance.
Schwean, V., Mykota, D., Robert, L., and Saklofske, D. (1999). Determinants of Psychosocial Disorders in Minority Children. In Schwean, V. & Saklofske D. (Eds). Handbook of Psychosocial Characteristics of Exceptional Children. New York: Plenum Press, 147-168.
Media Productions:
Co- Principal Investigator (2012). Jenny’s Story of Healing. Aboriginal Culture as Intervention DVD, Drug Treatment Funding Program Saskatchewan Health and Health Canada. Produced by Daft NewMedia (Christensen, P), with Mykota, D., Dell, C., & Fornssler, B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQeLLbDHGXU
Co- Principal Investigator (2012). Val’s Story of Healing. Aboriginal Culture as Intervention DVD, Drug Treatment Funding Program. Saskatchewan Health and Health Canada. Produced by Daft NewMedia (Christensen, P), with Mykota, D., Dell, C., & Fornssler, B.
Team Member (2012). Culture as Intervention Stories DVD and Circle of Life Teachings Interactive Package. Drug Treatment Program Funding, Saskatchewan Health and Health Canada. Contributors: Brockman, J., Campbell, E., Dell, C., Fornssler, B., Hopkins, C. LaLiberte, L., McKenzie, H., Mykota D., Papequash, C., Ross, C., Swampy, S., and Walker, T. *alphabetical listing
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, C., Rowan, M., Dell, C., Mushquash, C., Hopkins, C., Fornssler, B., Hall, L., Mykota, D., Farag, M. and Shea, B., (2016). Honoring Indigenous culture-as-intervention: Development and validity of the Native Wellness Assessment. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, pp.1-38.
Hootz, T., Mykota, D., & Fauchoux, L. (2016) Strength-based crisis programming: Evaluating the process of care. Evaluation and Program Planning, 54, 50-62.
Rowan, M., Poole, N., Shea, B., Mykota, D., Farag, M, Hall, L., Mushquash,C., and Dell, C.*, (2015). A scoping study of cultural interventions to treat addictions in Indigenous populations: methods, strategies, and insights from a Two-Eyed Seeing approach, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 10(26), 1-9.
Mykota, D., & Laye, A. (2015). Violence Exposure and Victimization Among Rural Adolescents. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 30(2), 136-154.
Bartlett, E., Robertson-Boersma, D., Dell, C. A., & Mykota, D. (2015). What’s Your Cap? The Highlights and Lowlights of Developing a Research and Theory-Driven Binge Drinking Prevention Initiative on a Canadian University Campus. USURJ: University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal, 1(2), 1-17.
Mykota, D. (2015). A replication study on the multi-dimensionality of online social presence. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14(1). 11-18.
Mykota, D. (2015). The influence of learner characteristics on social presence. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176, 627-632.
Rowan, M., Poole, N., Shea, B., Gone,J. P. Mykota, D., Farag, M., Hopkins,C.,Hall, L., Mushquash,C., and Dell, C., (2014). Cultural interventions to treat addictions in Indigenous populations: Findings from a scoping study, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 9(34), 1-26.
Laye, A. & Mykota, D. (2014). Rural Canadian Youth Exposed to Physical Violence. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 29(1), 21-39.
Mykota, D. (2013). A Coordinated Decentralized Approach to Online Project Development. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 12(3) 1-14.
Brockman, J., Campbell, E., Dell, C.*, Fornssler, B., Hopkins, C. LaLiberte, L., McKenzie, H. Mykota, D., Papequash, C., Ross, C., Swampy, S., and Walker, T. (2013). Join the Conversation! Joignez-vous à la discussion! Ne àwok làgà! Pi-Kakeekiton! Pe-mamiskota kista! Ne àwok nàgà! lósí! Community Engaged Scholarship For Health. 1(21).
Mykota, D. B. (2008). Implementing paraprofessional strength-based early intervention home visitations. Evaluation and Program Planning, 31, 266-76. Read
Mykota, D. & Duncan, R. (2007). Learner Characteristics as Predictors of Online Social Presence. Canadian Journal of Education, 30 (1), 157-170. Read
Mykota, D. & Schwean, V. (2006). Moderator Factors in First Nation Students At-Risk for Psychosocial Problems. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 21(1/2), 4-17. Read
Mykota, D. & Muhajarine, N. (2005). Community Resilience Impact on Child and Youth Health Outcomes: A Neighbourhood Case Study. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 20(1/2), 5-20. ReadContributed Papers in Published Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
Mykota, D.B. (2014). A Replication Study On The Multi-Dimensionality Of Online Social Presence. In A. İsman, P. Spector, & F. Odabasi (Eds.)14th International Educational Technology Proceedings Book. (pp.13-22). Istanbul, Turkey.
Mykota, D. B. (2014). The Influence Of Learner Characteristics On Social Presence. In A. İsman , P. Spector, & F. Odabasi (Eds.) 14th International Educational Technology Proceedings Book. (pp.1256-61). Istanbul, Turkey.
Mykota, D. (2013). Online Project Development in Higher Education. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference March 25-29, 2013 (pp. 851-852). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Dell, C., Brockman, J., Campbell, E., Fornssler, B., Hopkins, LaLiberte, L., McKenzie, H., Mykota, D., Elder Papequash, C., Ross, C., Swampy, S., Walker, T. How has Aboriginal Culture Helped You, or Someone You Know, on the Journey of Healing from Addictions? Oral paper on research project’s methodology presented by lead author at Qualitatives 2013, Carlton University, Ottawa. May 23, 24 and 25, 2013.
Mykota, D. (2010). Promoting Resilience: Lessons learned in the implementation of a strength- based paraprofessional early intervention. Abstract of an oral paper presented at Pathways to Resilience II: The Social Ecology of Resilience International Conference, Halifax, NS, June 7-10, 2010. p. 49.
Mykota, D. (2008). A conceptual model for community resilience as it affectschild and youth outcomes. Abstract of an invited paper presented at a researchsymposium entitled Resilience: A Contextualized Approach to Study andIntervention held at the Canadian Psychological Association National Conference,Halifax, NS, June 12-14, 2008. p. 28.
Mykota, D. (2007). The affective domain of e-learning: Social presence. Abstract of an oral paperpresented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education National Conference. Saskatoon, SK, May 26-29, 2007. p. 12.
Mykota, D. (2006). The effective affect: Social presence in post secondary teacher training. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Association for Distance Education International Conference. Montreal, QUE May 24-26, 2006. p. 95.
Mykota, D. (2006). Moderator factors in aboriginal students at risk for psychosocial problems. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education National Conference. Toronto, ONT, May 27-30, 2006. p. 27.
Mykota, D. (2006). Online social presence and teacher characteristics. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education National Conference. Toronto, ONT, May 27-30, 2006. p. 91.
Mykota, D. & Bonneycastle, D. (2005). Implementing E-learning Courses: A Model for Effective Practices. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Association for Distance Education International Conference. Vancouver, BC, May 7-11, 2005. p. 105.
Mykota, D. 2004. Towards an Understanding of Resilient Neighbourhoods and the Well-Being of Children and Youth. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Sociology of Education Network joint session at the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities National Conference organized by the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE - CAFE) and the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA). Winnipeg, MAN, June 1, 2004. p.123.
Mykota, D. (2004). Effective Practices for the Implementation of Intersectoral Programs. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society National Conference, Saskatoon, SK, May 17-19, 2004. p.9.
Mykota, D. (2004). Inductive Analysis, Applied Research and Program Evaluations. Abstract of an oral paper presented at the Canadian Evaluation Society National Conference, Saskatoon, SK, May 17-19, 2004. p.17.
Mykota, D. (2003). Building Community Capacity in Strength-Based Early Interventions.Abstractof a presentation made at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education National Conference, Halifax, NS, May 28-June 1, p. 77.
Mykota, D. (2003). Evaluating Qualitatively a Paraprofessional Strength-Based Early Intervention. Abstract of a poster presentation made at the Child and Youth Health 2003, 3rd World Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, BC, p. 166.
Mykota, D. (2001). Challenges in the Implementation of Early Childhood Intersectoral Programs. Abstract of a presentation made at the Rural Health Research Second Annual National Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, p. 69.
Mykota, D., Tiessen, E., Nyholt, K., Bidwell, N., Gough, R., Udey, W., & Yackulic, R.A. (1994). Student Reaction to the University of Saskatchewan U-STAR Telephone Assisted Records. Abstract of a presentation made at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education National Conference, Calgary, AB.
Research and Project Grant Information
Co-Investigator with Principal Investigator’s Cameron Wild, Allan Aubry, Colleen Dell and David Hodgins (2015-2020). Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM) Prairie Node, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), five-year grant award for 1.75 million.
Principal Investigator with Isobel Findlay, CUISR Director (2014). Program Evaluation of the Crisis Management System (CMS) Program. Community University Institute of Social Research with Crisis Management System. Awarded $10,000.00 for Phase 2 funding.
Co-Investigator with Principal Investigators Colleen Dell, Jon Thompson, and Peter Menzies (2012-2015). Honoring our Strengths: Indigenous Culture as Intervention in Addiction Treatment. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant: Aboriginal Health Intervention. Three year grant award for $1.2 million.
Principal Investigator with Isobel Findlay CUISR Director (2013). Program Evaluation of the Crisis Management System (CMS) Program. Community University Institute of Social Research with Crisis Management System. Awarded $10,000.00 for Phase 1 funding.
Co- Principal Investigator with Colleen Dell (2011-2012). Aboriginal Culture as Intervention, Aboriginal Knowledge Exchange. Drug Treatment Funding Program. Saskatchewan Health. Awarded $104, 711 for Phase 1.
Co-Investigator with Principal Applicants Colleen Dell, and Raymond Tempier (2010-2013). on the Saskatchewan Team for Research and Evaluation of Addictions and Mental Health (STREAM), funded by the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation for $300,000.
Mykota (2010). Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Development Funding of $86,050 for Masters of Education in Educational Psychology and Special Education.
Mykota, D. (2009). Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Development Funding of $134,750 for Masters of Education in Educational Psychology and Special Education. Principle Investigator (2007). Department Head Research Support program award of $3,500.00 for the study entitled Online social presence a pilot study.
Principle Investigator (2006). Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning Centre Faculty Development Research fund award of $2,000.00 for the research study entitled Online social presence a pilot study.
Co-applicant. (2005). SSHRC Letter of Intent: Community University Research Alliance Building the Social Ecology of an Inclusive Community, $20,000.00 LOI development funds for full proposal.
Mykota, D. (2005). Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Development Funding of $89,350.00. Peer reviewed project grant for the online content development in the Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education that included academic, instructional design, and production activities for 500 level certificate courses and undergraduate special education courses EDPSE 390.3 and EDPSE 414.3. . Primary content developer for TEL project and co-ordinator for Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education program.
Principal Investigator, D. Pushor Co-Investigator (2005). Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre Summer Undergraduate Research Award of $2024.00, for one summer student from July-August, 2005 for the project entitled A Bibliography of First Nations Early Childhood Programs and Research.
Mykota, D. & Haines, L. (2004). Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education Technology Enhanced Learning Development Funding of $156,670.00 for the development of online content in the special education that includes academic, instructional design, and production activities in the 500 level certificate courses. Primary content developer for TEL project and co-ordinator for Post Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education program.
Principal Investigator (2003). Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre Summer Undergraduate Research Award of $4048.00, for one summer student from May-August, 2003 for the project entitled Community Resiliency and the Well Being of Children and Youth, . Funded through the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College and the University of Regina, and the University of Saskatchewan.
Principal Investigator (2003). Community Resiliency and the Well Being of Children and Youth, $24,000, The Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Centered Prairie Communities, Health Canada. January-December, 2003.
Principal Investigator (2000-2001). Evaluation of the Early Childhood Development Program of the Pipestone Health District. Funded by the Government of Canada, Health Transition Fund for $42,000.
Mykota, D. (1998-1999) Principal Investigator. Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan. Received funding of $2,000.00 for the evaluation of the Early Skills Development Program. Saskatchewan Health.
Technical Reports Relevant to Academic Field
Quaife, T., Fauchoux, L., Mykota, D., Findley, I., (2014). Program Evaluation of Crisis Management Services, Community-University Institute for Social Research (CUISR), 59 pages.
Mykota, D. & Chutskoff, C. (2012). Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, Student Support Services Review. Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit. 90 pgs.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and Saskatchewan Educational Psychology Association (2008). Guidelines for Professional Practice for Psychologists in Saskatchewan Schools: Living Document. Regina, SK.
Mykota, D. & Muir, A. (November 2003). Community Resilience and The Well-Being of Children and Youth: A Neighborhood Case Study. The Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Centered Prairie Communities, Health Canada. 126 pgs.
Mykota, D. (2001). Parenting Plus the Early Childhood Development Program of the Pipestone Health District Final Results and Evaluation Report, Health Canada’s Health Transition Fund, 50 pgs.
Mykota, D. (2000). The Implementation Evaluation of Parenting Plus, The Early Childhood Development Program of the Pipestone Health District, Formative Report, Health Canada’s Health Transition Fund, 40 pgs.
Mykota, D. (1999). Early Skills Development Program First Year Evaluation Report, Saskatchewan Health,18 pgs.