Ayodeji Osiname
Assistant Professor - Educational Administration- Address
- 3065 Education
Research Area(s)
- Anti-racist educational leadership, social justice educational leadership, inclusive educational leadership, and decolonizing methodologies in education.
Dr. Ayodeji Osiname holds a PhD in Educational Leadership and Diversity Education from the University of Manitoba. He previously served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Leadership and Educational Administration and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Brandon University in Manitoba.
His research focuses on critical areas of educational leadership, including anti-racist leadership, social justice leadership, inclusive education, decolonizing methodologies, and fostering diversity and equity in education.
Dr. Osiname is particularly dedicated to amplifying the voices of students marginalized within schools and communities, empowering them to advocate for themselves and their communities. His research contributions have been shared widely at both national and international conferences.
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Manitoba, 2022
- Master of Education, Brandon University, 2016
- Bachelor of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, 2008
Dr. Osiname’s completed research:
EXPANDING MEANINGS OF HOME: A Case Study of Nigerian Migrant Families and their School-Aged Children—This research involved looking at the notion of home, particularly how African migrant children and their families articulate their ideas of home with regards to their sense of identity, perception of belonging, and emotional relations. The research has culminated in an understanding of home as a network of connections within communities.
The Effect of the School Principal in Creating an Inclusive School Culture during Times of Change and Challenge—This research examined the leadership styles that five selected school principals used to encourage and sustain inclusive school cultures. The study found that the principals embraced difficult issues and dealt with challenging people while sustaining a positive school community that supported diversity and embraced change.
Re-Imagine Lakeshore Project—This community-based research project that was part of the SSHRC-CURA grant entitled Vital Outcome Indicators of Community Engagement (VOICE) for Children and Youth. The research was characterized by strong community relationships that resulted in notable systemic transformation for the school Division that was involved.
Anti-Racism and Belonging—Employment and Credentialing Barriers for Immigrant Professionals in Brandon. The purpose of this research was to address concerns with credentialing, ensure equity in the recruitment/employment process, and identify the supports that are required to build bridges between the immigrant professional population and local employers.
Duo-Ethnography as a Methodology to Navigate Knowledge Power Relationships: Since 2017, Dr. Osiname has collaborated with research partners in a series of studies, and corresponding publications and presentations, using duo-ethnographic methodology to explore understandings and knowledge of power relationships in higher education and of perspectives of social justice leadership, and of insights into the nature of racism in Canada.
My Story Matters Technique: This research examined the use of duo-ethnographic discussion as a strategy for school leaders to foster more empathetic school communities. The findings suggest that in situations where communities are polarized by contentious issues, educational leaders can benefit from employing approaches like the My Story Matters Technique. This strategy enhances understanding and fosters connections, leading to a supportive and functional community environment around schools.
Selected Publications (Refereed Journals)
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., Humphreys, D., & Osiname, A. T. (2023). Diminishing defensiveness in anti-racist discourse: Common pushbacks to online anti-racism content and suggestions for strategic maneuvers. Equity in Education and Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/27526461231206407
Ellis, T., Kouritzin, S., Lam, M., Azzahrawi, R., Kolomic, E., Osiname, A. T., Sagenes, E., & Saleheen, S. (2020). Revisiting radical diversality: A philosophy of inclusion premised on the selective rejection of origins. Globalisation, Societies, & Education, 18(2), 221-231. https://doi:10.1080/14767724.2020.1711709
Osiname, A. T. (2018). Utilizing the critical inclusive praxis: The voyage of five selected school principals in building inclusive school cultures. Improving Schools, 21(1), 63-83. https://doi:10.1177/1365480217717529
Osiname, A. T. (2016). The effect of the school principal in creating an inclusive school culture during times of change and challenge. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 8(3), 42-47.
Osiname, A. T., Kirk, J. H., Nantais, M., Martell, J., & Peters, L. (2015, winter). Data driven decision-making: The principal as a key agent. Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 11-13.
Osiname, A. T. (2014). Transformative leadership framework: Designing a peer mentoring program for middle school students. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 6(1), 52-57.
Chapters in Books
Kirk, J., Osiname, A. T., & Reuter, K. (Fall 2024). Restoring healthy relationships: A case study of an early career female vice-principal in a rural French immersion school. In C. Smith., & L. Schnellert (Eds.), Research in Teacher Leadership in Canada: Transformative and Contextualized Agency (pp. xxx-xxx). Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE).
Osiname, A. T. & Kirk, J. (2024). My story matters: Using duo-ethnographic discussions as a method for engaging diverse voices to build caring and empathetic school communities. In K. Mackinnon (Ed.), Transformative Change through Educational Leadership: Stories, models, and wonderings (pp. 183-200). Canadian Scholars
Kirk, J. & Osiname, A. T. (Winter 2023). Duo-ethnographic methodology. In K. Walker, S. Tunison, & J. Okoko (Eds.), Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives (pp. 147-153). Springer.
Kirk, J., Osiname, A. T., Svistovski, R., & Ofwono, N. (Fall 2022). The silver lining: Professional growth resulting from pandemic teaching experiences. In M. Jacobsen., & C. Smith (Eds.), Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School (pp. 228-252). Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE).
Kirk, J. & Osiname, A. T. (2022). Perspectives of social justice leadership: A duo-ethnographic study. In A. Gélinas-Proulx., & C. M. Shields (Eds.), Leading for Equity and Social Justice: Systemic Transformation in Canadian Education, (pp. 122-145). University of Toronto Press.Publications (non-refereed)
Lam, M., Osiname, A. T., DiMuro, M., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Berg, K., Watson, E., & Moura, G. (2024, July). Employing zoom in hybrid community-based research. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES). https://www.bucares.ca/publications/zoom-for-community-based-research
Lam, M., Osiname, A. T., DiMuro, M., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Berg, K., Watson, E., & Moura, G. (2024, June). (De)polarization: Strategies for schools and community organizations. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES). https://www.bucares.ca/publications/depolarization-strategies-for-schools-and-community-organizations
Moura, G., Lam, M., DiMuro, M., Berg, K., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Osiname, A., & Watson, E. (2024, February). Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic: Exploring the Potential of Large-Scale Online Community-Based Discussion Platforms. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES). https://www.bucares.ca/publications/innovative-approaches-to-research-in-the-pandemic
Osiname, A. T. (2023, September). Qualitative report on the employment and credentialing barriers study: The professional level immigrants. https://www.bucares.ca/publications/qualitative-report-on-the-employment-and-credentialing-barriers-study
Osiname, A. T. (2023, February). Interim report on the employment and credentialing barriers study: The professional level immigrants’ survey. https://westmanimmigrantservices.ca/community-voices/
Osiname, A. T. (2022). Expanding Meanings of Home: A case study of Nigerian migrant families and their school-aged children. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Manitoba]. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/36545
Osiname, A. T. (2018). Experiences of African refugee young adults in Canada: A research study conducted for a qualitative research method in education course. Research Methods. University of Manitoba.
Osiname, A. T. (2015). The effect of the school principal in creating an inclusive school culture during times of change and challenge (Unpublished master’s thesis). Brandon University.
Moscow, K., Kirk, J. H., Rempel, K., & Osiname, A. T. (2014, June). Community-based participatory research — A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Commonwealth Council on Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM), Fredericton, NB. This research paper was published online.Selected National and International Conference Presentations
Osiname. A. T., & Kirk, J. (2024, October 24 – 25). Restorying healthy relationships in the school and community. Research Forum on Educator Wellbeing: Sharing Diverse Perspectives and Multiple Approaches Conference, Kelowna, BC, Canada.
Osiname. A. T. (2024, September 19 – 21). Immigrants’ employment and credentialing barriers. [Addressing Structural Barriers and Access Session]. Contemporary African Migration to Canada Conference, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Kyle, B., DiMuro, M., Miranda, S., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Moura, G., Osiname, A. T., & Watson, E. (2024, June 12 – 15). Online large-scale approaches to rural community-based research: Development of a comprehensive framework. [Technology and Teacher Education (TATE) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Montreal, QC, Canada.
Kyle, B., DiMuro, M., Miranda, S., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Moura, G., Osiname, A. T., & Watson, E. (2024, June 12 – 15). (De)polarization through social media in rural schools and communities. [Canadian Association of Social Justice Educators (CASJE-ACEJS) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Montreal, QC, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2023, May 27 – June 1). Canadian labour market: Immigrants’ employment and credentialing barriers. [Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON, Canada.
Osiname, A. T., & Kirk, J. (2023, May 27 – June 1). Using Duo-ethnographic storytelling towards the development of empathetic relationships within diverse communities. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON, Canada.
Kirk, J., Osiname, A. T., & Reuter, K. (2023, May 27 – June 1). Restoring school community relationships after COVID-19: A case study of an educational leader building a positive school culture in a rural French immersion school. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2023, May 27 – June 1). Access to academic jobs for minority and Indigenous academics in educational leadership in Canada: Opportunities and obstacles. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON, Canada. This panel session was designed for CASEA graduate students. The panelists included Drs. Peng Liu, Ayodeji Osiname, and Donna Swapp.
Kirk, J., Osiname, A.T., & Ofwano, N. (2022, May 14–20). Teaching in the pandemic: A phenomenological inquiry into teachers’ experiences. [Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). [Conference was held online].
Osiname, A.T. (2022, April 21–26). Expanding Meanings of Home: A Critical View Towards Successful Integration of Migrant Children and Families within Manitoba’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education System. [American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Division G – Section 1: Education and Place Space Time], San Diego, CA, United States.
Kirk, J., & Osiname, A.T. (2022, April 21–26). Understanding Issues of Diversity in Higher Education: A Duo-ethnographic Study. [American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education], San Diego, CA, United States.
Osiname, A. T. (2021, May 29 – June 3). Exploring Home: A Critical View Towards Successful Integration of Migrant Children and Families within Manitoba’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education System. [Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) session], Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Osiname, A. T., Kirk, J., Pearson, D., & Curley, J. (2021, May 29 – June 3). Understanding Racism in Canada from Multiple Perspectives. [Canadian Association for Women in Education (CASWE) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Osiname, A.T., & Kirk, J. (2021, April 8–12). Racism in Canada: A Duo-ethnographic Study. [American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Division G - Social Context of Education, Section 2: Differences and Intersectionality], Miami, FL, United States.
Osiname, A. T. (2020, May 30 – June 4). (RE-)DEFINING HOME: A Case Study of Selected African Migrant Children and Families within Manitoba’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education System. [Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, ON, Canada. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Osiname, A. T. (2020, May 30 – June 4). Exploring Suitable Topics for Dissertation Research. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)], London, ON, Canada. This session was organized by me for graduate students to explore areas of interest about research topics that could translate to meaningful research for them. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Kirk, J., & Osiname, A. T. (2019, June 1–5). Perspectives of Social Justice Leadership: A Duo-Ethnographic Study. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2019, June 1–5). Research Ethics when Including Marginalized Populations. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA)]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Vancouver, BC, Canada. This panel session was designed and facilitated by me for graduate students to address questions about how to develop a research protocol that will ensure the safety of K-12 students from marginalized backgrounds. The panelists included Drs. Darren Lund, Jackie Ottmann, and Christine Massing.
Ellis, T., Kolomic, E., Kouritzin, S., Lam, M., Osiname, A. T., Sagenes, E., & Saleheen, S. (2018, February 23–25). Decolonizing methodologies. [Graduate Students’ Research Symposium]. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Kirk, J. & Osiname, A. T. (2018, May 26–31). Attending to Issues of Diversity in Post-Secondary Institutions: Detailing a Teacher and Student Account Through a Duo-ethnography Inquiry. [Canadian Association of Educational Administration (CASEA)]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Regina, SK, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2016, May 28 – June 1). The effect of the school principals in creating an inclusive school culture during times of change and challenge. [Canadian Association for the study of Educational Administration (CASEA)]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Calgary, AB, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2016, May 14–16). The effect of the school principal in creating an inclusive school culture during times of change and challenge. [Celebration of Higher Learning and Research] Brandon University, Brandon, MB, Canada.
Osiname, A. T. (2015, June 10). The effect of the school principal in creating an inclusive school culture during times of change and challenge. [Education Faculty research symposium]. Brandon University, Brandon, MB, Canada.
Kirk, J. H., Nantais, M., Osiname, A. T., Martell, J., & Peters, L. (2015, May 30 – June 3). Re-imagine Lakeshore: A reflective analysis of a school division change initiative. [Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA)]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Kirk, J. H., Nantais, M., Osiname, A. T., Martell, J., & Peters, L. (2015, April 16–20). Reimagine Lakeshore: A mixed methods review of a systemic change initiative. [American Educational Research Association (AERA)], Chicago, IL, United States.Media and Outreach Reports
Osiname, A. T. (2024, March). The ‘rights’ fight: Newest culture-war battle zone pits parents versus educators, with kids’ identities caught in the middle. Winnipeg Free Press. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/featured/2024/03/15/the-rights-fight
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., Humphreys, D., Lapointe, G., & Osiname, A. T. (2023, November). Anti-racism education through social media films: Turning vitriol into strength. The Academic. https://theacademic.com/anti-racism-education-through-social-media/
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., Humphreys, D., Lapointe, G., & Osiname, A. T. (2023, November). Combatting racism through film and social media. Brandon University Research Connection. https://www.brandonu.ca/research-connection/article/combatting-racism-through-film-and-social-media/
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Naidoo, E., & Osiname, A. T. (2022, November). Immigrant settlement, education, & employment in Manitoba (Ep. 64) [Audio/Video Podcast Episode]. In Leaning in & Speaking Out. BU CARES Research Centre. https://www.bucares.ca/podcast/ep-64-immigrant-settlement-education-amp-employment-in-manitoba
Osiname, A. T. (2022, October). Expanding meanings of home: A case study of Nigerian migrant families and their school-aged children. Brandon University Research Connection. https://www.brandonu.ca/research-connection/article/expanding-meanings-of-home-a-case-study-of-nigerian-migrant-families-and-their-school-aged-children/