Richard (Rick) Schwier
Emeritus Professor, Curriculum Studies- Address
- 3060 Education
Research Area(s)
- e-learning; technology; design; agency
Curriculum Vitae
Professor, Educational Technology and Design
Department of Curriculum Studies
College of Graduate Studies and Research
Associate Member:
- Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education
- Department of Educational Administration
- Department of Computer Science
Teaching Areas
Instructional design, theory and philosophy of educational technology, multimedia design, media literacy.
Honours and Awards
Teaching Fellowship, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, 2014-15.
3M National Teaching Fellowship. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education & 3M Canada, 2005.
University of Saskatchewan Students Union Teaching Award (nominee) 1999, 2001
Master Teacher Award, University of Saskatchewan, 1996.
CJLT Editors’ Award for the Outstanding Research Paper in the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2010 (with Jay Wilson).
E-Learn 2005 Outstanding Paper Award, "Intentional and Incidental Discourse Variables in a Virtual Learning Community" co-authored with Ben Daniel and Heather Ross.
Edublog 2005 Awards. Short-listed finalist for "Best Audio and/or Visual Blog" for EdTech Posse (http://edtechposse.ca). (principal designer: Rob Wall, with Alec Couros, Richard Schwier, Dean Shareski).
First Prize, Inclusion International Photography Contest, Inclusion International, Federatie van Ouderverenigingen, The Netherlands, 1998.
Outstanding Book of the Year (ID Tools Award), 1994. Interactive Multimedia Instruction. Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Division of Instructional Development, Washington, D.C.
Editor's Award (Award of Excellence), for the outstanding research article of the year, 1994. Learning environments and interaction for emerging technologies: Implications for learner control and practice. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.
AMTEC Award of Merit. "River City", 1990. Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada. Touch-screen interactive video product. Producer and designer.
Joan Kershaw Publication Award, 1988. "Thursday's Child." Canadian Council for Exceptional Children. Eight part inservice education series on the topic of teaching children with handicaps in the regular classroom. Instructional designer, co-narrator of the video portion of the series, and co-author of accompanying manuals. (R. Sanche, Producer; S. Sorsdahl, Writer).
AMTEC Award of Merit, 1987. "Homesteaders." Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, AMTEC Media Festival.
Joan Kershaw Publications Award, 1986. "Mondays, Marbles and Chalk." Canadian Council for Exceptional Children. Unanimous selection of the National Awards Committee. Member of production and evaluation team for the video series, co-author of accompanying materials and co-narrator of the series, Shared Services Inservice Project.
Award of Excellence, Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, 1985. "Mondays, Marbles and Chalk." Member of production and evaluation team for the video series, co-author of accompanying materials and co-narrator of the series.
Books, Chapters and Refereed Articles
See also http://www.vlcresearch.ca for access to papers from the Virtual Learning Communities Research Laboratory.
Boling, E., Schwier, R. A., Gray, C.M., Smith, K. M. & Campbell, K. (Eds.) (2016). Studio teaching in higher education: Selected design cases. New York: Routledge. eISBN: 9781315697420
Schwier, R.A. (Ed.) (2015). People, education, technology. Saskatoon: Copestone. ISBN 978-0-9869536-3-7
Schwier, R.A. (2011). Connections: Virtual learning communities. Saskatoon: Copestone. ISBN 978-0-9869536-0-6
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., & Boling, E.X (2006). Visual design for instructional multimedia (2nd ed.). Saskatoon, SK: M-4 Multimedia. Also available online at: http://edmac.usask.ca/rick/vdim/Start.HTM.
Roblyer, M.D., & Schwier, R.A. (2003). Integrating educational technology into teaching (Canadian ed.). Toronto: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-033495-2
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., & Boling, E. (2000). Visual design for instructional multimedia. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: M4 Multimedia & Copestone Publishing. Samples available on-line [http://www.extension.usask.ca/vdim]. Distributed by U-Learn Publications, Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1993). Interactive multimedia instruction. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications. ISBN 0-87778-251-2.
Schwier, R.A. (1987). Interactive video. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications. ISBN 0-87778-206-7.
Schwier, R.A. (2000). Guidebook to instructional design and interactive multimedia (2nd ed.). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Copestone.
Sorsdahl, S. Sanche, R. & Schwier, R.A.(1986). Thursday's child: Participant's manual. Winnipeg: Copp, Clark and Pittman. ISBN 0-7730-4695 X
Sorsdahl, S. Sanche, R. & Schwier, R.A.(1986). Thursday's child: Leader's manual. Winnipeg: Copp, Clark and Pittman. ISBN 0-7730-4696-8
Brown, F.B., Proctor, L.F., & R.A. Schwier, R.A.(1986). Microcomputer courses in education offered by Canadian universities and colleges (3rd ed). Etobicoke, ON: Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.
Sanche, R., Schwier, R.A., Sorsdahl, S., & Clark, I. (1985). Mondays, marbles and chalk: Leader's manual. Mississauga, ON: Marlin Motion Pictures, Ltd.
Sanche, R., Schwier, R.A., Sorsdahl, S., & Clark, I. (1985). Mondays, marbles and chalk: Participant's workbook. Mississauga, ON: Marlin Motion Pictures, Ltd.
Kovac, R., Schwier, R., & Stein, E. (1974). Kaleidoscope: Activities ideas and sources for multicultural education. Bloomington, IN: Laboratory for Educational Development.
Schwier, R.A. (2016). Hither and yon: Learning ID in a studio-based authentic ID context. In E. Boling, R. A. Schwier, C. Gray, K. Smith, & K. Campbell (2013), Studio teaching in higher education: Selected design cases (pp. 21–36). New York: Routledge. eISBN: 9781315697420
Boling, E., & Schwier, R.A. (2016). Curators’ notes. In E. Boling, R. A. Schwier, C. Gray, K. Smith, & K. Campbell (2013), Studio teaching in higher education: Selected design cases (pp. 4–20). New York: Routledge. eISBN: 9781315697420
Schwier, R.A. (2015). Information and Communication Technologies for Informal Learning. In M. Spector (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational technology (pp. 372-374). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Campbell, K., & Schwier, R.A. (2014). Major movements in instructional design. In O. Zawacki-Richter, & T. Anderson (Eds.), Online distance learning: Towards a research agenda (pp. 345–380). Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University Press. Available: http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120233
Schwier, R.A. (2013). Blog. In R. Richey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of terminology for educational communications and technology (pp. 24-26). New York: Springer.
Schwier, R.A. (2012). Comparing formal, non-formal, and informal online learning environments. In J. Huett & L. Moller (Eds.). The next generation of education: Unconstrained learning (pp. 139–156). New York: Springer.
Campbell, K., Kanuka, H., & Schwier, R.A. (2010). Investigating sociocultural issues in instructional design practice and research: The Singapore symposium. In E. Blanchard & Danièle Allard (Eds.), Handbook of research on culturally-aware information technology: Perspectives and models (pp. 49-73). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Schwier, R.A. (2011). The elusive metaphor of virtual learning communities. In G. Anglin (Ed.) Instructional technology: Past, present, future (3rd ed.) (pp. 295-306). Englewood Cliffs, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R.F. (2009). Agency of the instructional designer: Moral coherence and transformative social practice. In J.W. Willis (Ed.). Constructivist Instructional Design (C-ID): Foundations, models and examples. (pp.243-264). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Schwier, R.A., & Daniel, B.K. (2008). Implications of a virtual learning community model for designing distributed communities of practice in higher education. In C. Kimbel, P. Hildreth, & I. Bourdon (Eds.), Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators (pp. 347 – 366). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Schwier, R.A. (2007). A typology of catalysts, emphases and elements of virtual learning communities. In R. Luppicini (Ed.), Trends in distance education: A focus on communities of learning (pp. 17-40). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Schwier, R. (2007). Shaping the metaphor of community in online learning environments. In G. Calverley, M. Childs, & L. Schneiders (Eds.) Video for education (pp. 68-76). London, UK: DIVERSE and the Association for Learning Technologies.
Schwier, R.A., & Daniel, B.K. (2007). Did we become a community? Multiple methods for identifying community and its constituent elements in formal online learning environments. In N. Lambropoulos, & P. Zaphiris (Eds.), User- evaluation and online communities (pp. 29-53). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Schwier, R.A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. (2007). Instructional designers' perceptions of their interpersonal, professional, institutional and societal agency: Tales of change and community. In M.J. Keppell (Ed.), Instructional design: Case studies in communities of practice (pp. 1-18). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Schwier, R.A., & Dykes, M.E. (2007) The continuing struggle for community and content in blended technology courses in higher education. In M. Bullen, M., & D. Janes (Eds.), Making the transition to e-learning: Issues and strategies (pp. 157-172). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
Schwier, R.; Hill, J.; Wager, W.; & Spector, J.M. (2006). Where have we been and where are we going? Limiting and liberating forces in IDT. In, M. Orey, J. McLendon & R. Branch (Eds.). Educational media and technology yearbook 2006 (pp. 75-96). Westport, CT: Libraries Unilimited.
Hill, J.R., Bichelmeyer, B.A., Boling, E., Gibbons, A.S., Grabowski, B.L., Osguthorpe, R.T., Schwier, R.A., & Wager, W. (2004). Perspectives on significant issues facing instructional design and technology. In M. Orey (Ed.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2004, (pp. 23-43). Westport, CT: Libraries Unilimited.
Schwier, R.A. (1995). Issues in emerging interactive technologies. In G. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional technology: Past, present, future (2nd ed.), pp. 119-130. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Schwier, R.A. (1994). Instructional design and emerging technologies for distance education. In B. Willis (Ed.), Distance education: Opportunities and challenges, pp. 213-231. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications.
Schwier, R.A. (1991). Current issues in interactive technology design. In G. Anglin (Ed.), Instructional technology: Past, present and future, (pp. 195-202). New York: Libraries Unlimited.
Yusop, F., Correia, A., Schwier, R., & Wilson, J. (submitted). A study of approaches to service-learning in Instructional Design at three universities in USA, Malaysia and Canada.
Seaton, J.X., & Schwier, R. (2014). An exploratory case study of online instructors: Factors associated with instructor engagement. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, 29(1), 1-16. Retrieved from http://ijede.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/870/1536
Schwier, R.A., & Seaton, J. (2013). Participation patterns in formal, non-formal, and informal online learning environments. Comparaison des modes de participation dans des environnements formels, non formels et informels d'apprentissage en ligne. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 39(1), 1-15. Retrieved from http://cjlt.csj.ualberta.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/709.
Schwier, R.A. (2012). The corrosive effects of competition, growth, and accountability on institutions of higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 24(2), 96-103. DOI: 10.1007/s12528-012-9057-z
Daniel, B., & Schwier, R.A. (2010). Employing social network techniques to understand community engagement in a formal virtual learning community. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 2(4), 33-52.
Schwier, R.A. (2010). Focusing educational technology research on informal learning environments. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(1), 90-92. Retrieved from http://www.cedtech.net/articles/118.pdf
Schwier, R.A., & Wilson, J.R. (2010). Unconventional roles and activities identified by instructional designers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(2), 134-147. Retrieved from http://www.cedtech.net/articles/123.pdf
Wilson, J.R., & Schwier, R.A. (2009). Authenticity in the process of learning about instructional design. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35(2). Retrieved from http://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/520
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R. (2009). The critical, relational practice of instructional design in higher education: An emerging model of change agency. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57(5), 645-664.
Daniel, B., McCalla, G., & Schwier, R.A. (2008). Social network analysis techniques: Implications for information and knowledge sharing in virtual learning communities. International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 2(1), 20-34.
Daniel. B., Schwier, R.A., & Ross, H. (2007). Synthesis of the process of learning through discourse in a formal virtual learning community. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 18(4), 461-477.
Daniel, B., & Schwier, R.A. (2007). A bayesian belief network model of a virtual learning community. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 3(2), 151-169.
Schwier, R.A. (2006). Commentary on a review of e-learning in Canada: A rough sketch of the evidence, gaps and promising directions. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 32(3), 71-84.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R. (2006). Conversation as inquiry: A conversation with instructional designers. Journal of Learning Design, 1(3), 1-18. http://www.jld.qut.edu.au/.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R. (2005). Agency of the instructional designer: Moral coherence and transformative social practice. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 21(2), 242-262.
Kenny, R.F., Zhang Z., Schwier, R.A., & Campbell, K. (2005). A review of what instructional designers do: Questions answered and questions not asked. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 31/(1). 9-26.
Schwier, R. A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. (2004). Instructional designers' observations about identity, communities of practice and change agency. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 20(1), 69-100. http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet20/schwier.html
Daniel, B., Schwier, R., & McCalla, G. (2003). Social capital in virtual learning communities and distributed communities of practice. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 29(3), 113-139.
Dykes, M.E., & Schwier, R.A. (2003). Content and community redux: Instructor and student interpretations of online communication in a graduate seminar. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 29(2), 79-99.
Schwier, R.A., & Balbar, S. (2002). The interplay of content and community in synchronous and asynchronous communication: virtual communication in a graduate seminar. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 28(2), 21-30.
Schwier, R.A. (2001). Catalysts, emphases and elements of virtual learning communities: Implications for research and practice. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 2(1), 5-18.
Schwier, R.A., Misanchuk, E.R., & Boling , E.X. (2000). Discourse on designing an illustrated hypermedia book. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 9(3), 223-251.
Kowch, E., & Schwier, R.A. (1998). Considerations in the construction of technology-based virtual learning communities. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 26(1), 1-12.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1998). An investigation of the perceived quality of digital media: Research and research design issues. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 26(2), 87-106.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1996). Designing multimedia for the hypertext markup language. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 8(4), 15-25.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1996). Benefits and pitfalls of using HTML as a CD-ROM development tool. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 8(4), 3-14.
Schwier, R.A. (1995). A critical examination of two resources for creating HTML documents for the world wide web. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 24(1), 171-180.
Schwier, R.A. (1995). Reflections on scholarly review and academic publication. Journal of Higher Education Studies, 6(1), 3-6.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1995). The mythology of colour in multimedia screen design: Art, science and connoisseurship. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 24(1), 3-25.
Schwier, R.A. (1993). Learning environments and interaction for emerging technologies: Implications for learner control and practice. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 22(3), 163-176.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1992). Representing interactive multimedia and hypermedia audit trails. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(3), 355-372.
Sanche, R., Schwier, R.A., & Haines, L. (1990). Teacher ratings of two inservice education programs on classroom management. Canadian Journal of Education, 15(3), 293-298.
Schwier, R.A. (1989). Research and development with interactive learning technologies. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 18(3), 163-165.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1988). The effect of interaction and perceived need for training on learning and time spent learning from computer-based instruction. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 17(3), 147-158.
Schwier, R.A. (1988). Design and use of student evaluation instruments in instructional development. Journal of Higher Education Studies, 3(1), 17-23. (reprint-Dublin, Ireland)
Schwier, R.A. (1986). Project management for computer-based training development. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 15(3), 167-176.
Schwier, R.A. (1986). Extracting training implications from multi-component needs assessments: Extension of the R-C-D model. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 15(2), 91-104.
Proctor, L.F., Brown, F.B., & Schwier, R.A. (1985). Courses in microcomputers in education in Canadian universities, vol. 2. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 14(3), 1-19.
Proctor, L.F., Brown, F.B., & Schwier, R.A. (1984). Courses in microcomputers in education in Canadian universities, vol. 1. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 13(3), 1-10.
Schwier, R.A. (1982). The design and use of student evaluations of instruction. Journal of Instructional Development, 5(4), 28-34.
Schwier, R.A., & Wickett, R. (1981). Roles for instructional development in adult education. Media Message, 10(4), 22-23.
Dayton, D.K., & Schwier, R.A. (1979). Effects of postquestions on learning and learning efficiency from fixed-pace, fixed-sequence media. Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 27(2), 103-113.
Published Conference Proceedings
Schwier, R.A. (2002). Shaping the metaphor of community in online learning environments. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Educational Conferencing. The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, June 1.
Seaton, J. X, Traves, J., McCalla, G. & Schwier, R. (2013). Designing an Incentive-Based Online Education System to Encourage Student Collaboration. In . Jan Herrington et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 1364-1371). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Wilson, J.R., & Schwier, R.A. (2012, March). A model of authentic learning processes in instructional design. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology in Education (SITE), Austin, TX.
Schwier, R.A. (2011). Connections and contexts. The birth, growth and death of online learning communities. Proceedings of E-Learn 2011, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education.
Schwier, R.A., & Seaton, J. (2011). A comparison of participation patterns in selected formal, non-formal, and informal online learning environments. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Schwier, R.A. (2011). Connections and contexts. The birth, growth and death of online learning communities. Proceedings of E-Learn 2011, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education.
Schwier, R.A., & Seaton, J. (2011). A comparison of participation patterns in selected formal, non-formal, and informal online learning environments. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Correia, A.P., Yusop, F.D., Wilson, J.R., & Schwier, R.A. (2010, April). A comparative case study of approaches to authentic learning in instructional design at two universities. American Educational Research Association, Denver, Colorado.
Campbell, K., Kanuka, H., & Schwier, R.A. (2009, September). Implications for ID practice of instructional designers' cultural identities. E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Schwier, R.A., Morrison, D., Daniel, B.K., & Koroluk, J. (2009, September). Participant engagement in a non-formal, self-directed and blended learning environment. E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Daniel, B.K., & Schwier, R.A. (2009, September). A preliminary consideration of learning processes in virtual learning communities. E-Learn 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Schwier, R.A. (2009, June). The elusive metaphor of learning community in formal and non-formal settings. Paper published in the proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2009, Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education.
Campbell, K., Kanuka, H., & Schwier, R. (2009, April). Instructional designer disciplinary-based formation of self. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, San Diego, CA.
Schwier, R.A., Morrison, D., & Daniel, B. (2009, April). A preliminary investigation of self-directed learning activities in a non-formal blended learning environment. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, San Diego, CA.
Schwier, R.A., Morrison, D., & Daniel, B.K. (2008). A comparison of formal and non-formal virtual learning communities. In V. Uskov (Ed.), Proceedings the Seventh IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, Innsbruck, Austria (pp. 321-326). Calgary, AB: International Association of Science and Technology for Educational Development & ACTA Press.
Daniel, B.K., & Schwier, R.A. (2007). Engagement and knowledge sharing in a virtual learning community. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-Media 2007 (pp. 639-646). Cheseapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R. (2007). The multivariate nature of agentic instructional design: Self as moral actor. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-Media 2007 (pp. 15-21). Cheseapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Daniel, B.K. McCalla, G.I. & Schwier, R.A. (2007).) Bayesian Belief Network approach for analysis of intercultural collaboration in virtual communities using social capital theory. In T. Ishida, S.R. Fussell, & P.T.J.M. Vossen, (Eds.). Intercultural collaboration I: Lecture notes in computer science. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Schwier, R.A. & Daniel, B.K. (2006). Aggregated approaches to identifying community and its constituent elements in formal blended learning environments. In M. Simonson & M. Crawford (Eds.), Proceedings of selected research and development papers from the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 397-406). Dallas, TX: AECT .
Daniel, B.K., McCalla, G.I., & Schwier, R.A. (2006, November). Social network analysis techniques: Implications for information and knowledge sharing in virtual learning communities. Proceedings of LORNET 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Daniel, B., Zapata-Rivera, J.D., Schwier, R., & McCalla, G., &. (2006). Bayesian belief network models of trust and social capital for social software systems design. Reinventing trust, collaboration and compliance in social systems. A workshop exploring novel insights and solutions for social systems design. CHI 2006, Montreal.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R.A., & Kenny, R. (2005). Using narrative inquiry to explore ID as conversation. Selected proceedings of the Research and Theory Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, Florida.
Daniel, B.K., Schwier, R.A., & Ross, H. (2005). Intentional and incidental discourse variables in a virtual learning community. Proceedings of E-Learn 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Daniel, B.K., McCalla, G.I., & Schwier, R.A. (2005). Data mining and modelling social capital in virtual learning communities. The proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Amsterdam, 18-22 July. pp. 2003-2008.
Kenny, R, Campbell, K, & Schwier, R. (2005). Instructional Designers as Agents of Social Change in Higher Education, Canadian Association for Distance Education, Vancouver, BC, May 8.
Schwier, R.A. (2005). Critical Issues Identified by New Members of Our Community of Practice, Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Calgary, AB, May. (with graduate students: Darlene Gulas-Bomok, Derek Tannis, Heather Ross, Donna DesRoches, Daniela Vidovic, Debi Naigle, Ron Berntson).
Campbell, K., Schwier, R., & Kenny, R. (2005). Conversation as inquiry and design. International Institute in Qualitative Methods Conference, Edmonton, AB, February 17.
Schwier, R.A., & Campbell, K. (2004). Conversations with Instructional designers about social change agency. Instructional Design Conference, Campus Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, November 19, 2004.
Morrison, G., Bernard, R., Simonson, M., Schwier, R., & Anglin, G. (2004). Eqivalency theory revisited: A five-year checkup. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago, IL, October 22.
Bichelmeyer, B.A., Boling, E., Gibbons, A.S., Grabowski, B.L., Hill, J.R., Schwier, R.A., Spector, M., & Wager , W. (2004). Where Are We Going and How Will We Get There? Special session at the annual conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago, IL, October 22.
Schwier, R., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. (2004). An Investigation of the Change Agency and Professional Identity of Instructional Designers. Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004 (pp. 2455-2459), Lugano, Switzerland.
Schwier, R., & Dykes, M. (2004). The Struggle for Community and Content in Virtual Learning Communities. Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004 (pp. 2976-2982), Lugano, Switzerland.
Campbell, K., Schwier, R. & Kenny, R. (2004). Supporting instructional designers: Sharing our stories and enhancing our practice. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (pp. 26-36), Niagara-On-The-Lake, ON.
Schwier, R., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. (2004). Instructional Designers in Search of Identity and Community. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (pp. 192-196), Niagara-On-The-Lake, ON.
Schwier, R.A., Campbell, K., & Kenny, R. (2004). Instructional designers’ interpretations of their communities of practice. In M. Simonson (Ed.), Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Paper Presentations (pp. 236-245), Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Anaheim, California.
Daniel, B., McCalla, G., & Schwier, R.A. (2002). A process model for building social capital in virtual learning communities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 574-577), Auckland, NZ,
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., and Boling, E.X. (1999). Visual design for interactive multimedia. poster session. Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education, June 23.
Schwier, R.A. (1999). Turning learning environments into learning communities: Expanding the notion of interaction in multimedia. Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington: Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education, June 23.
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., and Boling, E.X. (1999). Challenges in the design of a hypertext book in HTML: Lessons learned. Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington. Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education, June 22.
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., and Boling, E.X. (1998). Developing large scale hypertextbooks for the web: Lessons learned. Proceedings of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, June 3-6.
Misanchuk, E.R., Schwier, R.A., and Boling, E.X. (1998). Visual design for interactive multimedia: Product and process. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Edmonton, AB, June 3-6.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1997). Technical quality and perceived quality: Are they the same or different things? . Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada. Saskatoon, SK.
Schwier, R.A., & Kowch, E., 1997. Building learning communities with technology: Interactive video on the internet. Proceedings of the Second National Congress on Rural Education. Saskatoon, SK.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1996). Using HTML as an authoring medium: Common errors in the design of pages and web sites. . Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada. Vancouver, BC.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1996). Assessments of technical quality in multimedia: A report of research and discussion of research design issues. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada. Vancouver, BC.
Schwier, R.A. (1994). Multimedia design principles for constructing prescriptive, democratic and cybernetic learning environments. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual - 1994, Charlottesville, Virginia: Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education.
Schwier, R.A. (1994). Electronic publication: New challenges for academic publishers. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta: Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.
Schwier, R.A. (1994). Educational reform through educational technology. Edited collection of papers presented by eight graduate students in educational technology. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta: Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.
Schwier, R.A. (1993). Classifying interaction for emerging technologies and implications for learner control. In M.R. Simonson (Ed.), Selected Papers from the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1993, (pp. 881-894), Research and Theory Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology,.
Schwier, R.A. (1992). A taxonomy of interaction for instructional multimedia. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (pp. 112-122), Vancouver, B.C.: AMTEC.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1991). Interactive media audit trails: Approaches and issues. In M. Simonson (Ed.), Selected Papers from the Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1991. Research and Theory Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 499-520). Orlando, Florida.
Misanchuk, E.R., & Schwier, R.A. (1990). Analytical tools and research issues for interactive media. Proceedings of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (pp. 240-257), St. John's, Newfoundland.
Schwier, R.A. (1982). Assessing training needs: A model in context. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June..
Technical Reports
Desroches, D., Schwier, R., & Wilson, J. (2013). Lloydminster School Division library project: Evaluation and recommendations. Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit, University of Saskatchewan.
Greer, J., & Schwier, R.A. (2010, May). The learning priorities partnership: Supporting curriculum development and transformation. Proposal to the Provost’s Committee on the Integrated Plan (PCIP), University of Saskatchewan.
Schwier, R.A. (2009, September). External review and technology plan for Living Sky School Division (Living Sky School Division No. 202 (LSSD), North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
Foundational Document on Teaching and Learning. University of Saskatchewan (2008, October). Member of the Steering Committee and contributor.
Balbar, S., Proctor, L., & Schwier, R.A. (2006). Educational technology in the Holy Trinity Catholic School Division: Evaluation and strategic plan for implementation. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Educational Leadership Unit.
Schwier, R., Chase, T., Mutton, R., & Whittingham, P. (2004). Systematic program review of the Division of Media and Technology. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (2001). Usability research of the gov.sk.ca website. Contract research and report prepared for the Information Technology Office, Government of Saskatchewan.
Ward, A., Fram, R., Hope, J.A., & Schwier, R. (September, 2000). Systematic program review graduate program: Self-study document, Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan.
Hamm, V., Findlay, G., & Schwier, R. (2000). Evaluation of the New Zealand Centre for Educational Research Assessment resource banks website. Research conducted in collaboration with the Christchurch College of Education and the New Zealand Centre for Educational Research. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (2000). Public survey: An analysis of user expectations and desires for the gov.sk.ca website. Research conducted and report prepared for dBlack communications.
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1999). Design parameters for the gov.sk.ca website: Analysis of anticipated users and uses, and stakeholders’ needs, wants and opinions. Research conducted and report prepared for dblack communications.
Schwier, R.A. (1997). Instructional Support Services in the College of Education: White paper. Unpublished document, University of Saskatchewan.
Graduate Review Committee (1995). Apart and together: An internal review of graduate programs. College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. (S. Robinson, Chair).
Undergraduate Program Committee (1994). Undergraduate programme audit, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan.
Minister's Advisory Committee on K-12 Distance Education (1992). No distance too great: Report of the Minister's Advisory Committee on K-12 Distance Education. Regina, Saskatchewan: Office of the Minister of Education.
Schwier, R.A., Brown, F.B., Misanchuk, E.R., & Proctor, L.F. (1992). Interactive media and distance education for Saskatchewan schools. Regina, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan School Trustees Association.
Robinson, S., Hope,, J., Fleming, R., Gambell, T., Lyons, J., & Schwier, R. (June, 1989). Rethinking teacher education: A proposal for a contemporary teacher education program for the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, College of Education.
Schwier, R.A., Birnie, H., Randhawa, R., & Yackulic, A. (1986). College of Education program review: Report to faculty, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan
Schwier, R.A., & Misanchuk, E.R. (1984). SAMR training needs assessment. Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Schwier, R.A. (1983). Evaluation proposal for the Shared Services Inservice Training Project (R. Sanche, coordinator). Evaluation strategies for the assessment of distance education delivery of a professional training program on the topic of classroom management. Saskatoon, SK.: University of Saskatchewan.
Schwier, R.A., Sanche, R., & Bodnar, R. (1983). Pilot evaluation: Mondays, marbles and chalk. The Shared Services Inservice Project, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. (Also entered under 23 Professional Practice)
Schwier, R.A. (1982). A new professional teacher education program for B.Ed. (A.D.) elementary students. Subcommittee Report to the Elementary Program Advisory Committee. Mimeographed, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. (Contributing Author)
Schwier, R.A. (1979). Report to the Faculty of the College of Education: Student Evaluation of Instruction - State of the Art and Recommendations for Implementation. Mimeographed, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan.
Selected Professional Service
Editorial Review Boards:
- International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2011 - present
- Educational Technology Research and Development, Development, 2005 - present.
- Contemporary Educational Technology, 2009-
- ID Portfolio, Tech Trends, 2005-2008
- IDT Record (online journal). http://www.indiana.edu/~idt/index.html. 2003-- present
- Educational Technology and Society, [http://zeus.gmd.de/ifets/periodical/], 1999 - 2009.
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2000 - present
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 1993 - 1996
- Canadian Journal of Educational Communication.1985 - 1989, 1994-1999
- Canadian Journal of Communication, 1984 - 1990
- Asia-Pacific Collaborative Education Journal, 2009
Vice-coordinator, 3M National Teaching Fellowship. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, and 3M Canada. 2012–2014.
President, Association Media and Technology in Education in Canada, 1996 - 97.
Editor, 1990-1993, Canadian Journal of Educational Communication. Research and development journal of the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.
Associate Editor, 1980-1984. Media Message, Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada.