
Welcome to the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan! We are delighted that you are embarking on this exciting journey with us. With many courses, activities, workshops and field experiences to grow both professionally and individually, we are confident that you will become a collaborative and proficient educator if you engage in the opportunities our program offers. 

We have compiled important information for you based on your program route: Early/Middle Years, Secondary, and Kinesiology/Education Combined. Please take some time to watch the videos and read the information below. We hope you find it helpful as you prepare for your time as a student in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan.

Field Experiences

Students should plan to enroll in EDST 321.3 in the Winter Term of Year 3 and EDST 322.3 in the Spring Term following Year 3.

Student Responsibilities

A Criminal Record Check with vulnerable sector check is mandatory for all teacher candidates to participate in field experiences.

Students, staff, faculty, and instructors in the College of Education aspire to the high standards of professionalism associated with the teaching profession. 

As members of the College of Education community, our activities demonstrate our professionalism in the manner in which we:

  • develop knowledge and skills to the best of our abilities;
  • recognize and work toward the betterment of our communities through our professional work;
  • cooperate and work collaboratively with our professional colleagues for the betterment of our professions;
  • fully participate and engage in our continued education and development as professionals;
  • exercise positive judgment and decision making with respect to our professional roles; and
  • work toward high standards of professional practice and ethical conduct guided by the College’s core principles of respect, inclusivity, integrity and responsibility.

Given the College's responsibility to the teaching profession, we encourage:

  • Sustained positive engagement;
  • Dedication and follow-through in all responsibilities; and
  • Awareness of the impact of personal actions (positive and negative) within a community of learners.

To aid in the actualization of professional standards, clear, direct, and continuing communication among all parties is critical.

For further information on professional codes for teachers, please consult the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation codes and standards and the the Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board conduct.

To be promoted to the next year of the program, you must maintain a minimum average of 60% in your external and Education coursework. In addition, students in the Secondary program route must maintain a 60% average in both Teaching Areas 1 and 2. Program requirements from Years 1, 2 and 3 must be completed by June 30, prior to the Extended Practicum in Fall Term of Year 4.

Visit the the course and program catalogue for more information on promotion and graduation standards for the College of Education (listed under Academic Information & Policies).

College of Education Student Groups

  • The Education Students’ Society represents, enhances and promotes the academic and non-academic interests of all Education students in the College through unified, accountable, and effective leadership.
  • The Education Students’ Society seeks to enhance the experience of Education students by providing both professional and extra-curricular opportunities for growth.
  • The ESS office is located in Room 1009, Education Building.
  • Follow the ESS on Instagram and Facebook.

  • The ITEP Student Council is a group of students representing the views of the students enrolled in the ITEP program.
  • The ITEP Student Council office is located in Room 1010, Education Building.
  • Follow ITEP Student Council on Facebook

  • The SUNTEP Student Representative Council (SUNTEP SRC) is a group of students representing the views of the students enrolled in the SUNTEP program.
  • The SUNTEP SRC office is located in Room 1011, Education Building.
  • Follow SUNTEP on Facebook and Instagram

Student Services

We know you will have questions about attending university. Find your answers here.
