Glen Aikenhead
Emeritus Professor, Curriculum Studies Aboriginal Education Research CentreResearch Area(s)
- Culture-based science and mathematics education with a focus on Indigenous students. Science and mathematics curriculum and instruction (policy, curriculum development, assessment of students, instructional strategies, R&D into science and mathematics classroom materials). International science education.
Areas of Research
Culture-based science and mathematics education with a focus on Indigenous students. Science and mathematics curriculum and instruction (policy, curriculum development, assessment of students, instructional strategies, R&D into science and mathematics classroom materials). International science education.
Research Instrument
Views on Science-Technology-Society
An inventory of student viewpoints about science and how science is related to technology and society.
- Elementary Science Methods
- Secondary Chemistry Methods
- Advanced Methods for Experienced Teachers
- Epistemology, History & Sociology of Science
- General Methods of Instruction
- Issues in Science Education (graduate level)
- Introduction to Research (graduate level)
- Issues in Curriculum Development (graduate level)
- Reference Committee for the project SaskMATH. Provincial Education Sector (a consortium among the Ministry of Education and 28 Boards of Education. Website development of SaskMATH: A Provincial Resource for Teachers and Leaders of Mathematics in Saskatchewan. (2019-2020).
- Conference Board of Canada; Research Advisory Board; Cross-cultural curricula and supports for Indigenous learners in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Ottawa. (2019-present).
- Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan. Book publishing project. (2019-2020).
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Finnmark University College, Arctic University of Norway, & University of Oslo. Collaborative R&D project, LOCUMS – Local Culture for Understanding Mathematics and Science. Advisory Board (2015-2019).
- Laboratory School, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, OISE/University of Toronto. Writing a 2nd edition of Natural Curiosity by incorporating an Indigenous lens into this teacher resource book for teaching environmental inquiry, grades K-8 (2015-2017).
- Native Universe: Indigenous Voice in Science Centers. A USA National Science Foundation funded project co-sponsored by the Association of Science-Technology Centers. Member of an 11-person Advisory Board, and the only non-American (2015-2018).
- Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Science and Mathematics Education. Preparing future teacher leaders for multicultural classrooms (October 12-25, 2014).
- Four Corners School of Outdoor Education: Teacher professional development for teachers in the Colorado Plateau region (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona): Enhancing school science with Indigenous knowledge, and implementing culturally responsive science teaching (Utah State University Eastern Blanding Campus, February 27 – March 2, 2014).
- University of British Columbia Press. Book manuscript reviewer (January 2014).
- Council of Canadian Academies, Ottawa, Canada. Reviewer for a draft of a major research project report on the state of Canada’s science culture (November 2013).
- Pearson Education Canada (publisher), Don Mills, Ontario: Writing and editing Indigenous content for Manitoba’s Grade 7 Science Teacher Resource (June-July, 2013).
- Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development for Saskatchewan. Project “Education for Sustainability in Rural and Remote Regions” (May 8-9, 2013).
- Australian Council of Scholarly Academics, Melbourne University, Australia, concerning STEM Education and Related Employment for Indigenous Students and Indigenous Citizens of Saskatchewan (Sept – Dec 2012)
Saskatoon Public Schools, consultant in producing a professional development program Enhancing School Science with Indigenous Knowledge (May 2011 – June 2012). - Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Saskatoon: Developing a provincial Indigenous science fair that reflects Indigenous values and an Indigenous collective worldview (2008-present).
- Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia, Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park, Cluny, Alberta. Professional development on producing teaching materials that include Indigenous knowledge in school science (Grades 7-9), for Siksika, Tsuu T’ina, and Nakoda Nations, along with the Calgary Catholic School Division (February 22, 2012).
- Pearson Education Canada (publisher), Don Mills, Ontario: Developing science textbooks (Grades 3-9) that combine Indigenous and scientific ways of knowing nature (2008-2013).
- National Science Teachers Association, San Francisco, CA, teacher professional development on building cultural bridges between scientific and Indigenous ways of knowing nature (March 10, 2011).
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Sámi University College, and Finnmark University College; Alta, Norway: How does teaching in science relate to Indigenous peoples’ cultural identities? (2010)
Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan: Designing research and development projects with Taiwanese Aboriginal Tribes (2009). - Aarhus University, Denmark: Policy development for cross-cultural science education for European students (2008).
- University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago: Assessing content in science education graduate studies (2008).
- American Indian Center of Chicago, USA: Future directions for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (2008).
- Asian Science Education Association, Kaohshiung, Taiwan: Modifying Western science education curricula to meet Asian students’ identities and life goals (2007).
Thompson Rivers University, Kanloops, BC, Canada: Developing classroom resources in school science for First Nations students (2007). - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden: Combining Indigenous knowledge into scientific literacy policies (2007).
- National Research Council, and National Science Teachers Association, Washington DC: Developing a research agenda in science education (2006).
- Zürich University, Switzerland: Developing cross-cultural science education for European students (2005).
Nelson Canada (publisher): Reviewing Aboriginal content in Grades 11 & 12 chemistry textbooks (2005).
Northern Lights School Division, La Ronge, SK, Canada: Developing community-based science education programs for Indigenous students’ resiliency (2005). - Kristianstad University, Kristianstad, Sweden: School science program development for science-based occupations and the attentive public (2004).
- Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden: Developing a research program framed by a humanistic science education (2004).
- Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA: Developing cross-cultural science education for inner city schools (2004).
- University of Kobe, Kobe, Japan: The inception of an international research network “Culture Studies in Science Education” (2004).
- Northwest Indian College, Bellingham, Washington, USA: Integrating Western science with Native American science (2003).
- University of Kobe, Kobe, Japan; University of Hawai’i at Māona, Hawai’i, USA; Waikato University, Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand; Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia: Research into culture, language, and gender sensitive science teacher education programs (2002).
- Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan: Planning an international workshop on research in culture studies in science education (2001).
- WestEd (research company) and Stanford University, Palo Alto, California: Analyzing the cultural validity in science and mathematics assessments of students (2000).
- Northern Lights School Division, La Ronge, SK, Canada: Developing community-based school science that combines Indigenous and scientific knowledge systems (1998-2000).
- Ibaraki University, Mito, Japan: Policy development for non-Western countries’ science curriculum (1996).
Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan: Policy development for non-Western countries’ science curriculum (1996). - Department of Teacher Education, Oslo University, Norway: Teacher education for cross-cultural science education for European students (1996).
- UNESCO, Paris: Developing a scientific and technological literacy project (1996).
- Seoul National University, Korea: Curriculum and assessment in non-Western school science (1996).
Ministry of Education and the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago: Research and curriculum development for Indigenous knowledge in the science curriculum (1995). - Council of Ministers of Education of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario: Developing the SAIP science assessment project (1994).
- UNESCO, Paris: Policy development for student assessment in science education (1993).
Durham Board of Education, Whitby, Ontario: Developing Science in Society OAC (1992). - Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. New Insights into Course Evaluation in Science. An invited seminar for the, Vancouver, B.C. (January, 1975).
- School Mathematics for Reconciliation: From a 19th to a 21st Century Curriculum
- An on-line monograph researched during 2016, finalized in 2017, 195 pp.
- Download a pdf version
- Enhancing School Science with Indigenous Knowledge: What We Know from Teachers and Research
- Developed by the Saskatoon Public School Division (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) during a 1-year collaborative professional development project. Glen Aikenhead is lead author among 15 co-authors comprised of: an Elder, a Knowledge Holder, 2 Indigenous Education Unit administrators, 2 consultants, and 8 science teachers. Published in 2014 with Amazon.ca
- A description of the book and how to order it
- Bridging Cultures: Indigenous and Scientific Ways of Knowing Nature
- Glen Aikenhead & Herman Michell Published in 2011
- A description of the book
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- "Rekindling Traditions: Cross-Cultural Science & Technology Units"
- The result of a 2-year (1999-2000) research and development project in Northern Saskatchewan hosted by the Northern Lights School Division and funded by many Saskatchewan institutions. Community-based collaboration with Elders and with 6 teacher unit developers.
- Cross-Cultural Science & Technology Unit
(This will link you to the project's website)
- Science Education for Everyday Life: Evidence-Based Practice
- Published in 2006: Teachers College Press (New York). Althouse Press (London, Ontario)
- A description of the book
- To order the book on-line
- STS Education: International Perspectives on Reform
- Published in 1994: Teachers College Press (New York). Joan Solomon and Glen Aikenhead (Editors)
- Four chapters written by Glen Aikenhead
- Where to order it
- Logical Reasoning in Science & Technology
- Published in 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Canada Gr. 10 science textbook in Saskatchewan & Nova Scotia. A recommended resource in Newfoundland (Gr. 10) and Ontario (Gr. 13)
- To order the book on-line
Book Chapters
- Chapters in J. Solomon & G. Aikenhead STS Education: International Perspectives on Reform (1994). Teachers College Press, New York.
- Chapter 2: The Social Contract of Science: Implications for Teaching Science
- Chapter 5: What is STS Science Teaching?
- Chapter 16: Consequences to Learning Science Through STS: A Research Perspective
- Chapter 20: Collaborative Research and Development to Produce an STS Course for School Science
- References
- Chapter in David Kumar and Daryl Chubin (Eds.) Science, Technology, & Society: A Source Book on Research and Practice, (2000), Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 49-89.
- Chapter in R. Millar, J. Leach, & J. Osborne, Improving Science Education: The Contribution of Research, (2000). Open University Press, UK, pp. 245-264.
- Chapter in C. Bryant, M. Gore, & S. Stocklmayer (Eds.), Science Communication in Theory and Practice. (2001) Kluwer Academic, Netherlands. pp. 23-45.
- Chapter in W-M. Roth & J. Désautels (Eds.) Science Education as/for Sociopolitical Action (2002). Peter Lang. pp. 151-166
- Whose Scientific Knowledge? The Colonizer and the Colonized
- Chapter in R.T. Cross (Ed.), A Vision for Science Education: Responding to the Work of Peter J. Fensham. (2003). Routledge Press, pp. 59 - 75.
- Chapter in S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Science Education. (2007). Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 881-911.
- In C. Linder, L. Östman, D.A. Roberts, & P-O. Wickman (Eds.), Exploring the Landscape of Scientific Literacy. (2011). Routledge, pp. 28-44.
- Scientific Literacy for a Knowledge Society (co-author)
- In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching. (2011). Springer, pp. 107-127.
- Towards a Cultural View on Quality Science Teaching
- In T.D. Sadler et al. (Eds.), Socio-Scientific Issues in Science Classroom: Teaching, Learning and Research. (2011). Springer, pp. vii-xi.
- Chapter in A. Kajander, J.,Holm, & E. J. Chernoff, (Eds.) Teaching and learning secondary school mathematics: Canadian Perspectives in an International Context (2018). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. pp. 39-50.
An analysis of four ways of assessing student beliefs about STS topic. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1988
Curriculum change, student evaluation, and teacher practical knowledge. Science Education, 1992 (co-author)
Students' preconceptions about the epistemology of science. Science Education, 1992 (co-author)
The Development of a New Instrument: "Views on Science Technology Society" (VOSTS). Science Education, 1992 (co-author)
Science Education: Border Crossing into the Subculture of Science. Studies in Science Education, 1996
Towards a First Nations Cross-Cultural Science and Technology Curriculum. Science Education, 1997
Cross-Cultural Science Education: A Cognitive Explanation of a Cultural Phenomenon. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1999
Teachers' Views on Aboriginal Students Learning Western and Aboriginal Science. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 1999
Transcending Cultural Borders: Implications for Science Teaching. Research in Science and Technological Education, 1999
Japanese and Canadian Science Teachers' Views on Science and Culture. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 2000
Students' Ease in Crossing Cultural Borders into School Science. Science Education, 2001
Integrating Western and Aboriginal Sciences: Cross-Cultural Science Teaching. Research in Science Education, 2001
The Educo-Politics of Curriculum Development. Canadian Journal of Science, Math and Technology Education, 2002
Cross-Cultural Science Teaching: Rekindling Traditions for Aboriginal Students. Canadian Journal of Science, Math and Technology Education, 2002
Chemistry and Physics Instruction: Integration, Ideologies, and Choices. Chemical Education: Research and Practice, 2003
Science-Based Occupations and the Science Curriculum. Science Education, 2005
Research into STS Science Education. Educación Química, 2005.
Towards Decolonizing the Pan-Canadian Science Framework. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2006
Indigenous Knowledge and Science Revisited. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2007 (co-author)
Objectivity: The Opiate of the Academic? Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2008
Academic Science, Cultural Intransigence, and Devious Educo-Politics. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2010
An Emerging Decolonizing Science Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2010 (coauthor)
Indigenous Elementary Students' Science Instruction in Taiwan. Research in Science Education, 2012 (third author)
A 21st century economic, educational and ethical mathematics curriculum policy. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 2017
Enhancing school mathematics culturally: A path of reconciliation. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (Special Monograph Issue), 2017
Indigenizing mathematics: Sharing two projects from Saskatchewan. Vector. 2020
School science and mathematics storylines. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2020
A 21st century culture-based mathematics for the majority of students. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 2021
Out-of-school, applied, in-school, and Indigenous mathematics. The Variable. 2021
Resolving conflicting subcultures within school mathematics: Towards a humanistic school mathematics. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 2021
School mathematics: Towards ending its cycle of myths. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 2021
Indigenous culture-based school mathematics in action: Part I: Professional development. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 2021 (coauthor)
Indigenous culture-based school mathematics in action: Part II: The study results. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 2021 (coauthor)
- Humanistic science education: The history of science and other relevant contexts. Science Education, 2021 (coauthor)
- Humanistic school science: Research, policy, politics and classrooms Science Education, 2022 (coauthor)
Research Reports
- Science & Culture Nexus Saskatchewan Project (1999)
- Concepts of Evidence Used in Science-Based Occupations: Acute-Care Nursing (49 pp.) (2003)
- Culture-Based School Mathematics for Reconciliation and Professional Development (2019) (coauthor)